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这将是周星驰在好莱坞执导并出演的处女作。The film will be Chow's directorial and acting debut in Hollywood.

它是绕汗的第一个大型合资导演,你可以看到他是成功的。It is Sajid Khan's first major directorial venture and you can see he is successful.

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这部电影是他的导演处女作,他同时也参与了剧本的创作。It was his directorial debut on a feature length film and he also co-wrote the screenplay.

这部影片由庄宇新导演,他是北京电影学院的副教授。The film is the directorial debut of Zhuang Yuxin, vice-professor at the prestigious Beijing Film Academy.

金知云进军好莱坞的导演处女作,将会是一部惊悚风格的西部动作片。This is Kim Ji-woon’s Hollywood directorial debut, an action-thriller described as a contemporary Western.

金知云进军好莱坞的导演处女作,将会是一部惊悚气势派头的西部动作片。This is Kim Ji-woon's Hollywood directorial debut, an actionion-thriller described as a contemporary Western.

金知云进军好莱坞的导演处女作,将会是一部惊悚风格的西部动作片。This is Kim Ji-woon's Hollywood directorial debut, an action-thriller descrithe bedroom as a contemporary Western.

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金知云进军好莱坞的导演处女作,将会是一部惊悚风致的西部行动片。This is Kim Ji-woon's Hollywood directorial debut, an air-contionion-thriller described as a contemporary Western.

曾获奥斯卡嘉奖的女星安吉丽娜-朱莉将首次担任导演一职,拍摄一部特别讲述波斯尼亚战争的爱情电影。Oscar-winning actress Angelina Jolie will make her feature film directorial debut with a love story set during the Bosnian war.

那个镜头的移动是导演库珀尔众多英明的选择之一,他优雅谦虚的风格展露无遗。That camera move is a directorial choice, one of the innumerable decisions that contribute to Mr. Hooper's elegant, self-effacing style.

据说斑马军团为卡纳瓦罗提供了一份为期一年并且可以续约一个赛季的合同,并准备让这名球员在退役后进入俱乐部管理层。It's reported Juve have provided him with a one-year contract and an option of a further season either as a player or in a directorial role.

袁和平的执导风格与平庸的电脑特效技术令影片显得好像一部中国摄影棚拍出来的图画故事书。Mr. Yuen's directorial style and the mediocre computer graphics give the film the picturesque, storybook feel of a Chinese studio production, however.

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任达华曾成功地在大银幕上塑造了一系列警察形象,他计划在自己的导演处女作中延续自己对警察角色的痴迷。After successfully portraying a number of police characters on the big screen, Simon Yam continues his affinity for policemen in his directorial debut.

这位英国电影制片人在星期六晚上赢得了杰出导演奖,这无疑增加了他的电影在二月二十七号奥斯卡得奖的机率。The British film-maker won the outstanding directorial achievement award at Saturday's event, further boosting his movie's Oscar chances on 27 February.

情节的转折点出乎意料,让人非常震惊,这个爆点至关重要,让人钦佩整部电影绝妙的情节线,和高超的导演技艺。The twist is an unexpected shock, and its reveal is critical to appreciating the clever storyline and directorial work done throughout the entire movie.

为了庆祝威廉姆*莫纳汗的导演处女作“伦敦大道”的发布,我们来回顾凯拉*奈特莉的成名史。To celebrate the the release of William Monahan's directorial debut London Boulevard, we're taking a jaunt through the back catalogue of Keira Knightley.

这也是张艺谋首次和香港演员合作。梁朝伟说,他和张曼玉都在努力领会张艺谋的导演技巧。This is the first time Zhang has worked with Hong Kong actors. Tony Leung said he and Maggie Cheung were struggling to understand Zhang's directorial technique.

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在气势宏伟的导演处女作中,时装设计师汤姆福特带来的温情,智慧和华丽的太平洋调色板来适应克里斯托弗伊舍伍德1964年的小说改编。In an imposing directorial debut, fashion designer Tom Ford brought tenderness, wisdom and a gorgeous Pacific palette to his adaptation of Christopher Isherwood's 1964 novel.

本文将结合微车制造的实例,介绍该专家系统对微车设计制造过程的指导作用。Through some cases of mini-car manufacture, the directorial function of the expert system during processes of designing and manufacturing mini-cars has been presented in the text.

那个镜头的移动是导演库珀尔众多英明的选择之一,他优雅谦虚的风格展露无遗。That camera move is a directorial choice, one of the innumerable decisions that contribute to Mr. Hooper's elegant, self-effacing style. His direction of actors is nearly flawless.