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一个过路人告诉了我时间。A passerby told me the time.

路人指了方向给我。The passerby gave me aid directions.

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一个邪恶的貉,袭击行人与武器。An evil raccoonthatattacks passerby with weapons.

那个过路人以为他触电了呢。The passerby thought he had got an electric shock.

她探出车窗口,向一个过路人打招呼。She leaned out of the window and hailed a passerby.

无名的过客在往昔作了瞬间的踌躇。A nameless passerby made a snappy shilly-shally of yore.

间谍被一个假扮路人的女警察抓住了。The spy was caught by a policewoman who posed as a passerby.

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一个过路人相信了他的话,拿出二十金把它买了下来。A passerby believed him and bought it for twenty pieces of gold.

向路人借了一把伞,一直沿着池塘边走边拍。Borrowed an umbrella from a passerby and walked around the pool.

一个暴乱者一定用这大石头砸了一些可怜的路人!A rioter must have thrown this huge stone at some poor passerby !

一个过路人相信了他的话,拿出二十金把它买了下来。A passerby 2 believed him and bought it for twenty pieces of gold.

他感到头有些晕,便抓住离他最近的过路人。His head seemed to go round, and he clutched at the nearest passerby.

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一小点出乎意料的装饰将会引起路人一长串的欢呼。A little unexpected decoration goes a long way in cheering up passerby.

Godwin当时在苏格兰场的外面发表他的讲话,一个路人向他大叫表示自己的不满。As he spoke outside Scotland Yard, Godwin was shouted at by a passerby.

老实说,很多乞丐都是假装的,以此来骗路人的钱。Honestly, there are so many beggars who are pretended to cheat the passerby.

一个路人注意到两个市政工人正沿著人行道工作。A passerby noticed a couple of city workers working along the city sidewalks.

路人将这一幕发布到网上,使这名“陨落之星”再次进入公众的视野。The passerby posted the shot online, which again drew public interest in the fallen star.

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晚餐时间,在机缘巧合下,我跟路人甲和另一名工作人员去吃饭。At dinner time, due to fateful coincidence, I went with Passerby and another co-worker for a meal.

青年男子庆祝洒红节迎来一个过路人,他们骑在印度孟买,星期一,2010年3月1日自行车。Young men celebrating Holi greet a passerby as they ride a bike in Mumbai, India, Monday, March 1, 2010.

四天后,“英军士兵的警告射击”子弹弹回后击中了一名路人。" Four days later "a warning shot was fired by a British soldier" which ricocheted and wounded a passerby.