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您能承担改型?Can you afford to remodel ?

玩家改造武器只需要钱。You only need money to remodel your weapon.

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改造旧房需要多少钱?你是否负担得起?。How much will the remodel cost?Can you afford it?

人类已调谐向被提供的祝福和爱,而选择去“改造”。Humans had attuned to the blessings and love offered, and chose to "remodel".

他认为,当选者才具有重塑社会党形象的资格。The chosen candidate would, he argues, then have the legitimacy to remodel the party.

你无法改变你周围的人,但可以改变你所围绕的人。You don't influence the people around of you , but you can remodel whom circumambient of you.

找自己动手做泥化在这个自由的视频车库改造第三层砌墙整理技巧。Get finishing tips for mudding the third coat of drywall in this free DIY garage remodel video.

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她想重装房子和花园,也想在门前白色的摇椅上休息。She wants to remodel her house and garden and sit on one of the white rockers on her front porch.

骨头将增长,修造,适应,变换,并且改造由于微断裂&被施加的大重音。Bone will grow, build, adapt, transform, and remodel due to microfractures & the large stress exerted.

很快新的模型被重新构建,你认识到非常需要新基石。pretty soon the remodel becomes reconstruction and you realize that a new foundation is really needed.

“一个可以自我改型,自我重构的大脑极其有用”,布莱克莫尔教授表示。"It is extremely useful to have a brain that can remodel and rewire itself, " says Professor Blakemore.

而改造我国农业微观经济组织,就是制度创新的一项重要内容。It is therefore an important thing in system innovation to remodel agricultural micro-economic organizations.

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可以得出结论,肠壁的力学性质呈各向异性且在EGF处理期间会发生重建。In conclusion, the mechanical properties in the intestinal wall are anisotropic and remodel during treatment with EGF.

第二个浴室也是完全改建,用了黑色和白色的六角形大理石地砖和白色的壁砖。We did a total remodel of the second bath, with black and white marble hex tiles on the floor and a white tile wainscot.

然而,我们可以通过动物来进行实验,运动似乎可以改变体内储存与食物利用的代谢途径。But in animal experiments, exercise seems to remodel the metabolic pathways that determine how the body stores and utilizes food.

重新装修是并不需要花费脑筋,所以我妻子又怀上了第三个孩子,我们制订了一个日期并继续赶工。The remodel was a no-brainer. So, as my wife was pregnant with our third, we made a strict timeline and went ahead with the remodel.

“礼乐诗书”之教,是我国西周时期改造社会、教化民众的圣王之道。The education of "music and literature" was the ultimate way to remodel the society and educate the masses in the Western Zhou dynasty.

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一位专家介绍如何安装在这个自由自己动手做家装视频厨房水槽厨房水槽上的水龙头阀门供应线改造。An expert shows how to install kitchen sink supply lines onto faucet valves for a kitchen sink remodel in this free DIY home improvement video.

讨论并分析了专门数据库的不同构建方法,在此基础上,引出如何把现有的数据库重组成时间序列数据库。On discussing and analyzing different construction of Special Database, which includes TSDB, we introduce how to remodel TSDB from general database.

他每年为家里挣五万元,他用这些钱装修了房子,把父亲和其他亲戚带到北京观光。He brings home CNY50, 000 a year and has used the new wealth to remodel his house and take his father and other relatives to Beijing for sightseeing.