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中央公园,林荫大道。The Mall, Central Park.

您看,中间是一条中轴线。Look, there's a central axis.

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存在论是这类研究的中心思想。Ontology is its central branch.

圈中央是一座石制祭台。Space is a central altar stone.

喜剧中心给剧集加了消音。Comedy Central added the bleeps.

北面,南面还是锯齿山脉中部?North, South, or Central Sierras?

该期刊由生物医学出版中心出版。It is published by BioMed Central.

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并可远眺中央花园。And overlooking the central garden.

来克伍德中央大道1472号。B. 1472 Central Avenue in Lakewood.

你能给我们讲讲中央公园吗?Can you tell us about Central Park?

它在中央公园的东边。It's the east side of Central Park.

采取巴士第202号至中环的途径。Take Bus No. 202 to Central Avenue.

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这个地区有一个中心图书馆。The district has a central library.

我把车停在了中央高中的停车场。I parked in the lot at Central High.

主要是因为邻近中央公园。Its nearness to Central Park was key.

玦中心缺口吊饰玉珠。Jue hang adorn jade bead central gap.

中央供暖系统6点半供暖。The central heating comes on at 6.30.

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中央公园不再是方形的。Central Park is now nolonger a square.

中央铜门上的浮雕。Reliefs above the central bronze door.

永州市中心医院英文怎么写啊?The Central Hospital in Yongzhou city.