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那是他父亲被刺的消息。It was his father's assassination.

执行塔里克空气刺杀。Perform an Air Assassination on Tarik.

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这时云子躲过了一次暗杀。Then the cloud son escaped an assassination.

史佛萨的刺杀行动只是个开端。Sforza s assassination is just the beginning.

他已经躲过了一系列的暗杀。He survived a series of assassination attempts.

暗杀是审查的极端形式。Assassination is the extreme form of censorship.

大公爵遇刺触发了战争。The assassination of the archduke triggered the war.

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他将瑞尔的死描述为“懦弱的谋杀”。He called the killing of Reyes a cowardly assassination.

克林顿有过暗杀杀本·拉丹的计划。Clinton had an assassination programme against bin Laden.

这起刺杀企图对东帝汶来说是一记巨大打击。The assassination attempt is a massive blow to East Timor.

纽约时代已经进入暗杀者模式。It looks like the times is in character assassination mode.

总统遇刺的消息震惊全国。The news of the president's assassination rocked the nation.

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伪善、欺骗、影射和诽谤。Hypocrisy double-dealing innuendo and character assassination.

刺杀事件使得大选的形势发生了陡变。The assassination gave rise to a sudden change in the election.

他们看到了临时插播的有关内维被暗杀的报道。They see a breaking news report about Banerjee's assassination.

矛是一种具有长柄的刺杀兵器。The spear is one kind has the long handle's assassination weapon.

公元前336年,父亲被暗杀后他登上王位。He was made king after the assassination of his father in 336 BCE.

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吴月娘见行刺不成,便投河自尽了。Wu Bright Moon, see the assassination fail, then plunge a suicide.

而这一阶段连续刺杀日本人的义举,就是她所为。This stage of continuous Japanese assassination act, is what she is.

斐迪南大公的遇刺引发了第一次世界人战。The assassination of archduke ferdinand started off the first world war.