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我们全家都去做了心理咨询。We all went to counseling.

心理咨询就是出租你的耳朵。Counseling is to lend your ears.

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许多人仍忌讳心理咨询For many, counseling remains taboo

查看一对一外教辅导的工作流程。See-one foreign teacher counseling workflow.

而强迫性说谎是可以借由心理疗法及谘商来治疗。Therapy and counseling can cure compulsive lying.

他为混合夫妇提供咨询服务。Prayoon, who provides counseling for mixed couples.

我们还做大量的指导和职业咨询。We also do a lot of mentoring and career counseling.

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两个女人都曾去资讯过律师并且收效良好。Both women have gone to counseling and are doing well.

通过教育、支持和咨询服务来改善持续气道正压通气治疗的依附性。Education, support, and counseling improve CPAP adherence.

牧师对我们进行了每周一次的心理咨询。The clergyman set up weekly counseling appointments for us.

有两种职业不断地出现在我脑海里,咨询和训导。Two careers kept jumping out at me, counseling and coaching.

翻译过程中不许掺杂译者的个人观点在内。Counseling or interjecting personal opinion is never permitted.

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他需要就医,寻求药物治疗和心理咨询。He needs to see a doctor and discuss medication and counseling.

医院表示,手术后还会为该男子提供心理咨询。Hospital, said the men also provided post-operative counseling.

这很简单,并且将为你省去数百美元的咨询费用。It’s easy and will save you hundreds of dollars for counseling.

这种人需要心理咨询,他们可能有过一段不愉快的往事。This person needs counseling and may have issues in their past.

医疗补助计划中还涵盖了肥胖咨询费。Medicaid programs would be required to cover obesity counseling.

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创伤后的咨询是给学生和他们的家庭。Post-trauma counseling was given to students and their families.

之后创伤建议被给了学生和他们的家庭。Post-trauma counseling was given to students and their families.

弗州理工校方已在研究生住宿区开设咨询中心。Tech has set up a counseling center in the Graduate Life Center.