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你会获得一个错误。You get an error.

还有另一个错误。Yet another error.

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处理错误条件。Handle error conditions.

那是一个翻译舛误。It is an error in transl.

测量误差较大。Measurement error is big.

这里未发现错误消息。No error message is found.

这就是阴错阳差的地方。That's where the error is.

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设定新时区错误。Error setting new timezone.

内部资料串流错误。Internal data stream error.

如果进行数学计算对的话。We have an error somewhere.

什么是屈光不正?What is a refractive error?

如果不在,我会得到一个关键字错误。If not I'll get a key error.

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第一个是错误代码。The first is the error codes.

误差值是多少?What was the margin of error?

他坦率地承认错误。He frankly admitted his error.

无系统盘或磁盘错误。Non-system disk or disk error.

可是艾莱柯对这种暗示视而不见。We must not wink at his error.

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我们对这个错误绝不能视而不见。We must not wink at the error.

你发现我出错了。You caught me making an error.

修复北桥核心选项值问题。Fixed NB core item value error.