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什么是西交利物浦精英计划?What is XJTLU ELITE program?

奥克利精英全金属外壳Oakley Elite Full Metal Jacket

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精英认证之一。One of the elite certifications.

那看似十足的精英教育。It seems to be a very elite teaching.

铸炉之主派伦迪乌斯是一个80级的精英。Forgemaster Pyrendius is a level 80 elite.

他们是少数的精英分子,不同种类的赌客。The elite few a different breed of gambler.

这是世界上最优秀的飞机。This is it- the world's most elite aircraft.

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那么对于进入精英院校的坐席的分配问题呢?of seats in elite colleges and universities?

北京饭店是北京绝佳的饭店之一。Beijing Hotel is one of Beijing elite hotels.

你能做些什么区帮助你的优秀精英员工呢?What can you do to help your elite performers?

现在你可以用徐精英来执行这一任务。Now you can use SEO Elite to perform this task.

只有优秀的原创帖子可以考虑加精处理。Only original posts can be added as Elite posts.

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运动心理学不仅仅是顶尖运动员独享,虽然他们可能更乐意和运动心理学家一起做。Sports psychology isn't just for elite athletes.

正是新型战机的试飞让中国走进了精英俱乐部。The test flight puts China in a very elite club.

今天来参加宴会的都是些有头有脸的人物。The attendees of today's party are all the elite.

当然,有些马拉松好手确实穿胶底运动鞋跑步。True, some elite marathoners do run sans sneakers.

衷心谢谢燕园的老师们。A big thank you all my teachers at Elite Education.

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大学教育仍然是精英教育。The college education is still the elite education.

还有一批资深的机电一体化技术精英。And a group of senior mechatronics technology elite.

在众多的精英学校中,这种机会更是微乎其微。At many elite schools, the chances are even slimmer.