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这也有部分原因是由于反对党的一意孤行和毫不让步。Part of the problem is crass intransigence by the opposition.

如果共和党固守己见,致使本月末税收增加,那么就任其发展下去好了。If G.O.P. intransigence means that taxes rise at the end of this month, so be it.

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打击塔利班合作中,巴基斯坦的不让步已很令人遗憾。Pakistan's intransigence in combating the Taliban has already been much lamented.

他盯着火焰,脸上显出爱挑剔和不妥协的混合表情。His face shows, as he stares at the fire, a blend of fastidiousness and intransigence.

阿什拉维说,是以色列的不妥协态度长期阻碍了和平。Hanan Ashrawi says it is Israeli intransigence that has long stood in the way of peace.

人们会越来越明显的看到,问题一直是北朝鲜的不妥协态度。It will become increasingly evident that the problem is, as it always has been, North Korean intransigence.

是巴勒斯坦领导人不肯让步的态度把她们的家庭带入了几十年的绝望中。It is the leaders of the Palestinians who have brought their families decades of despair by their intransigence.

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尽管金融危机推动了这一结果,但通用长期存在管理不善和与工会的纠缠的问题。Although the recession helped push it under, the company had a long history of mismanagement and union intransigence.

如果拒不悔改,则必须施加更大的压力借以抗衡——全世界只有通力合作才有可能施加这样的压力。Intransigence must be met with increased pressure -- and such pressure exists only when the world stands together as one.

这种毫不妥协的态度并非无事生非,而是作为一种反_共_产主义的手段,拒绝遵循“红色中国”订下的规矩。Their intransigence was not simply due, as is commonly assumed, to an anti-communist refusal to play by “Red China’s” rules.

西欧领导人在公众面前摆出不肯让步的美国和咄咄逼人的苏联之间充当和事佬的架式。West European leaders presented themselves to their publics as mediators between American intransigence and Soviet aggressiveness.

正如你所看到的,黑暗的分子和他们升级的挑衅行为中表达了他们的正在丧失理智。As you can see, the dark cabalists remain defiant and their escalated aggressive measures speak to their unreasoning intransigence.

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法国外长朱佩巴博先生说的“不妥协”已经停止了联合国斡旋的谈判,谈判有秩序地离开。French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe said Mr Gbagbo's "intransigence" had stopped UN-brokered talks to negotiate an orderly departure.

Zelaya先生的主谈判官于上个月的政变中被驱逐出境,她谴责对方的“不妥协”。The chief negotiator for Mr. Zelaya who was ousted in a coup last month condemned what she called the intransigence of the other side.

通常,他们会不遗余力的尝试通过合作和协商来来获得成功,将对抗保留为清楚并持续的不妥协方式。Generally they make every attempt to succeed through cooperation and negotiation, reserving confrontation for clear and continuing intransigence.

但是他们经济的窘困,加上教授任职期的僵化,使他们沦为争过独木桥的千军万马。候选人多,但是现在教授都任职期未满,哪里还有职位呢?But their economical presence, coupled with the intransigence of tenure, ensures that there will always be too many candidates for too few openings.

也可以说,除了奴隶外大家都变漂亮了,奴隶要是不顺从于这么明显的利益的话,他背上就会出现一些杠杠。That is to say, everyone was better off except the slave, whose intransigence in accepting the obvious benefits was requited with stripes on his back.

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和来自参议院及各州参与巴厘岛会议的气候改进论者的立场相比,政府的不妥协更为耀眼。The Administration's intransigence is all the more glaring in contrast to the positions of the climate progressives from the Senate and the states who've come to Bali.

当通用从破产中重生,它将卸下一些负担,但是几十年来管理不善和美国汽车工人联盟不让步造成的伤害,仍然沉重。When GM emerges from bankruptcy, it will have shed some of its burdens, but the damage done by decades of mismanagement and union intransigence will still weigh heavily.

现在,阻止纽交所与德意志交易所合并的唯一希望只能来自纽交所的股东们,股东们已开始质疑纽交所在这个问题上的毫不妥协。The only hope in blocking this merger now would have to come from the NYSE shareholders, who have just now started to raise concerns about the NYSE's intransigence on the matter.