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我四十不动心。At forty, I attained to an unperturbed mind.

好脾气的人会泰然自若。The good-tempered man tends to be unperturbed.

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我觉得艾德莱在一片大混乱中仍然镇定自若。I had found Adlai unperturbed in the midst of pandemonium.

我带着一对可以装在口袋里的手枪,没有上手弹,我睡觉很平静。I had a brace of unloaded pocket pistols with me and slept unperturbed.

但是圣尊以心理承受了这一点,非常理解和沉着。But the Blessed One endured them mindfully, clearly comprehending and unperturbed.

“绝地臭臭-大!”卢克“咕咕”地叫着,朗再次偷笑起来,但奥比万保持着泰然自若的神情。"Jedi BOOGER-da! " Crowed Luke, and Lon choked again but Obi-Wan remained unperturbed.

斯科特大声地窃笑,也没有被由于他的自我消遣引起的好奇目光而被扰乱。Scott sniggered aloud, unperturbed by the curious glances his self-amusement had elicited.

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那就是为什么在面对人生最糟的经验时,神秘的大师仍能保持面不改色。That is why mystic Masters remain unperturbed in the face of the worst experiences of life.

但是,赖先生对于来自像乐购、家乐福和沃尔玛的竞争并不担忧。But Lai is serenely unperturbed by competition from the likes of Tesco, Carrefour and Wal-Mart.

这样的思想能不能应用到浏览器中,如果一个标签崩溃,其他的还能不受影响?Why not extend that idea to browsers, so if something crashes in a tab, the other tabs are unperturbed?

高能中微子没有电荷,事实上,甚至没有质量,所以它们可以毫无阻碍地通过星级间的磁场。With no charge and practically no mass, high-energy neutrinos pass unperturbed through interstellar magnetic fields.

但是录像显示没有,甚至没有人用武器瞄准,地面上的人都看起来泰若自然的。But the video shows there is no shooting or even pointing of weapons. The men are standing around, apparently unperturbed.

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一个常常十分冷静的家伙,对于谷歌侵入Firefox的领地表现的特别的泰然自若。Lilly, who is usually a calm fellow, appeared to be especially unperturbed by Google's encroachment into Firefox's terrain.

尽管英超自1992年创立以来,只有四家俱乐部夺得过联赛冠军,但是绝大多数球迷对竞争乏力的局面表现得泰然自若。Though only four different teams have won the Premier League since 1992, most fans seem unperturbed by a lack of competitiveness.

市政的捕牛手已经接到命令围捕那些漫步在城市街道的流浪牛。Municipal cow catchers were ordered to round up the stray cattle that amble down the city's thoroughfares, unperturbed by the backup of traffic behind them.

蓝色曲线表示A1B方案中未受干扰的海冰范围,灰色阴影表示三个模型紧张的整体差幅。The blue curve shows the evolution of the unperturbed sea-ice extent for the A1B scenario, with the gray shading showing the ensemble spread of three model runs.

然而目前,已经建立的理论是个体展现的脑电波图像足够强烈,可以不被青春期的心理波动影响。For now, however, what's better established is that the individual brainwave patterns people exhibit are strong enough to remain unperturbed by the tumult of adolescence.

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祂身体里面产生非常痛苦的感受-疼痛、猛烈、剧烈、苦恼、令人不愉快、难受-但是祂坚定正念、清醒明觉且平静不乱地安忍于苦痛。Excruciating were the bodily feelings that developed within him — painful, fierce, sharp, wracking, repellent, disagreeable — but he endured them mindful, alert, & unperturbed.

由质量守恒定律,质量密度增量来自未挠动的质量密度的散度和位移矢量场。According to the law of mass conservation the incremental mass density can be inferred from the divergency of the scalar unperturbed mass density and the vectorial displacement field.

第二章主要研究一类近哈密顿系统,它的未扰系统有两个中心,—个鞍点,一个单同宿环和一个双同宿环。In chapter 2, we mainly research a class of near-Hamilton system whose unperturbed system has two center points, one saddle point, a simple homoclinic loop and a double homoclinic loop.