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大家都说她像普绪客一样纯洁无暇。They say she is as pure as Psyche.

我们打心眼里痛恨茫然无知。Our psyche abhors the darkness of ignorance.

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板球运动将继续主宰印度人的灵魂。Cricket will continue to rule the Indian psyche.

在山里,普赛克在绝望中耐心等待着。On the mountain, Psyche waited patiently in despair.

但是诱惑还是争胜了普赛克,她最终打开了盒子。But Temptation overcame Psyche and she opened the box.

他极度想念普赛克并出发去找她。He had missed Psyche terribly and set out to find her.

即是伟大的意思,Mega,megalo,与心灵,灵魂这些字有关,being,our,terms,for,great,and,psychos,高尚灵魂的人。Mega megalo Psychos related to our word psyche soul.

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最后,绝望的普绪客只得向维纳斯本人祈祷了。Finally, in desperation, Psyche prayed to Venus herself.

笑谑可以把我们民族的自大心理缩小。Laughter brings the swelling down on our national psyche.

有位伟大的国王,他有三个女儿,普绪客是他最小的女儿。Psyche was the yougest of three daughters of a great king.

普绪喀听从这些有声无形的外人的意见。Psyche gave ear to the admonitions of her vocal attendants.

现在,对于意象的渴望可证实会激发心理动力。Now, the psyche is animated by a veritable hunger for images.

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普绪客又一次在别人的帮助下完成了任务。Again, through the help of others, Psyche fulfilled her tasks.

这促使各电视网开始更加深入地研究女性心理。That's prompted networks to dig deeper into the female psyche.

我们的心理学家说,我们要把素材依照我们的理性有机地整合Our psyche says we've got to bring rational organization to this.

刷马时的按摩可以促进马匹的血液循环、放松马的心灵。The massage increases circulation and relaxes the horse's psyche.

它们并不会在我的头脑里一闪即逝,撞向我的灵魂深处。They aren't streaking across my mind and crashing into my psyche.

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它们并不会在我的头脑里一闪即逝,撞向我的灵魂深处。They aren’t streaking across my mind and crashing into my psyche.

可不可能产生一个精神上的彻底革命?Is it possible to bring about a complete revolution in the psyche?

于是丘比特飞到了人间,他发现波西卡正在她的房间里熟睡。Cupid flew down to the Earth. He found Psyche sleeping in her room.