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你感觉到消极心态消失无踪。You sense the negativity fall away.

躲避消极思想和消极的人。Avoid negativity and negative people.

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打破一切被动消极的禁锢。Breaking down the captivity of negativity.

这种关系经常会与消极与手拉手相伴出现的。These often go hand-in-hand with negativity.

消极情绪在一个团体内是能够自我维持的。Negativity can be self-sustaining within a group.

或者它们很消极带有判断?Or are they tinged with negativity and judgement?

我厌恶消极态度,不能忍受唉声叹气的人。I loathe negativity. I can't stand people who moan.

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努力减少那些负面的话从你的嘴里流出。Work hard at reducing any negativity from passing your lips.

如果否定性发生,它将意想不到地大概来。If negativity does happen, it will probably come unexpectedly.

或是这个概念太复杂,人们不能确实了解,因此得出了否定的结论?Too complex to know for sure and therefore it elicits negativity?

每当心中生起任何的负面情绪时,只有观察和面对它。Whenever negativity arises in the mind, just observe it, face it.

因此研究表明间日疟原虫已经攻克了达菲-阴性。So we’ve shown that Plasmodium vivax has cleared Duffy negativity.

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然后所有这些消极性会侵蚀彼此,让敌意滋长。Then all the negativity feeds on each other and the animosity grows.

我们经常发现自己被消极幽灵缠绕。Too often, we find ourselves surrounded by soul-crushing negativity.

在消极流行的世界中,你必须拥有良好的直觉。In a world where negativity prevails, you must have a good intuition.

那么,我们如何在意外发生时抵御不良情绪而保持乐观呢?How can we stay positive and fend off negativity when it comes our way?

他们很快会对你们拒绝回应他们的消极性感到厌倦。They will soon get tired of your refusal to respond to their negativity.

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白羊也难以接受巨蟹的唠叨和消极。You will have difficulty listening to the Crab's nagging and negativity.

教师否定性口头言语评价中以批评居多。In the teacher negativity oral language evaluation criticizes the majority.

这样就可立刻抛除负面的东西,并且对问题找到一个正面的扭转。That can exempt negativity immediately and put a positive spin on problems.