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货源充足,价格低廉。Ample supply, low prices.

请填写这张汇款告诉书。Please ample out this remittance blooper.

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我们有足够的时间从从容容吃顿午饭。We have ample time for a leisurely lunch.

去成都旅行一周足够了。A week will be ample for oue journey Chengdu.

我们有充裕的时间为竞猜做准备。We have ample time to prepare for the contest.

他们的国家准备充足的储备粮。Their country has set aside ample reserve grain.

它们用自己丰满的嘴唇吸出其中的肉。They use their ample lips to suction out the meat.

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建德电力供应充裕,供电设施完善。Jiande ample power supply, power supply facilities.

我的身体就是一个后方有着充足停车位的神殿。My body is a temple with ample parking in the rear.

本商店保证货源充足,供应及时。This shop ensures ample supply and prompt delivery.

她为什么嘦嫁给一个年秢与她父亲相当的男人?。Why dead she wed a male old ample to be her father?

不过,政府有足够的政策空间来纾缓。However, the government has ample room to ease policy.

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质量高,价格低,货源充足,供货及时。High quality, low price, ample supply, timely delivery.

生产大队留出了充足的储备粮。Our production brigade has set aside ample reserve grain.

请享受我们仙芬黛的丰富感和多味的风格吧!Enjoy our Zinfandel for its ample and full-flavored style.

口感浓醇强劲,单宁柔和。In the mouth it is powerful and ample with smooth tannins.

中长期的增长空间仍然很大。The room for growth is still ample in the mid to long-run.

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夕阳西下,天色很快暗下来,但是还有足够的光线。The sun was setting fast, but there was still ample light.

这些套房有一个特大号床和充足的储藏空间。These suites have one king-size bed and ample closet space.

两个底前面板可用作抽屉来存储东西。Two bottom front panels function as drawers for ample storage.