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首先我们去参观白海豚鲸鱼。First, let's go visit Beluga Whales.

一头白色大鳇鱼或叫大白鲸在北美洲的范库弗峰水族馆里游弋着。A beluga whale swims in a tank at the Vancouver Aquarium.

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在头等舱餐桌上的鱼子酱是真正的白鲸鱼子酱。That's real Beluga caviar in the first class dining room sequence.

白色大寻鱼白鲸,或白鲸,是鲸鱼的最小的物种之一。The beluga , or white whale, is one of the smallest species of whale.

在加拿大马尼托巴的胡德逊湾,一群白鲸正在下潜觅食。A pod of beluga whales diving to feed in Hudson Bay, Manitoba, Canada.

Beluga鱼子酱的颜色一般从紫红色到黑色到有,颜色最淡的的最昂贵。Beluga usually ranges from purple to black, the palest being the most expensive.

第二大栖息地是摹仿白鲸的自然生活环境而设计的。The second largest habitat was designed to copy the natural environment of beluga whales.

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一名潜水者在俄罗斯白海水下与白鲸亲密接触。这两只白鲸轻啄着潜水员的胳膊试图带着他一起畅游。A diver gets up close with two white beluga whales under the ice in the White Sea, Russia.

他说一条被激怒的大白鲸很可能会攻击人,但杨杨的奶奶说她不感到担心。He said an angry beluga is apt to attack, but Yang Yang's grandmother said she isn't worried.

以下这些不平常的图片展示了白鲸帮助人类访客在厚冰层下游泳的情景。These remarkable pictures show how beluga whales help human visitors to swim under the thick ice.

一头20岁的白鲸在温哥华水族馆生完小鲸鱼后,带着小鲸鱼游过海洋极光。Aurora, a 20-year-old Beluga whale, swims with her calf after giving birth at the Vancouver Aquarium.

它们要长到极限尺度得花20年,那时它们可以达到2吨重。It can take up to 20 years for a Beluga Sturgeon to reach its maximum size and they can weigh up to 2 tonnes.

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一位患有自闭症的小男孩看著上海长风公园里的白鲸。Chinese boy, suffering from infantile autism, looks at a beluga whale in Changfeng Park in Shanghai December 21, 2005.

Beluga鱼子酱一般是直接涂抹在一小片烤面包上,然后直接享用的,因为它不需要其他的调味来提升口感。Beluga caviar is generally served on its own on small pieces of toast as it needs no additions of flavour to improve it.

据路透社报道,索马里海盗于周日在印度洋控制了德国“贝鲁嘉命运号”商船。Somali pirates seized control of the German-owned merchant vessel Beluga Fortune in the Indian Ocean on Sunday, Reuters reports.

几十年来,研究者们一直担心北极动物,如海豹,白鲸,汞水平,北极红点鲑等动物的含汞量增加。For decades, researchers have worried about rising mercury levels in Arctic animals, such as seals, beluga whales, and Arctic char.

“露莎卡”鱼子酱所用的鱼卵直径在2到3.5毫米左右,比里海大白鲟的鱼卵稍小一些,颜色是淡灰色。The Rusalka caviar eggs are about two to 3.5 millimeters in diameter, slightly smaller than Beluga caviar, and light gray in color.

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下周初,两艘德国船只——“白鲸博爱号”和“白鲸远景号”——即将抵达荷兰的鹿特丹港。But early next week the German-owned vessels, Beluga Fraternity and Beluga Foresight, are scheduled to dock in the Dutch port of Rotterdam.

一群白鲸在加拿大马尼托巴的哈得逊湾潜水觅食。离摄影师最近的一只白鲸正放出空气以助下潜。A pod of beluga whales diving to feed in Hudson Bay, Manitoba, Canada. The whale nearest to the photographer is releasing air to aid its descent.

在加拿大马尼托巴的胡德逊湾,一群白鲸正在下潜觅食。这只离摄影师最近的白鲸正呼出空气以帮助其下潜。A pod of beluga whales diving to feed in Hudson Bay, Manitoba, Canada. The whale nearest to the photographer is releasing air to aid its descent.