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教堂的窗户粉碎了。The church windows shatter.

他说的话令她心烦意乱。What he said made her shatter.

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白日梦破灭在你自己手里。And daydreams shatter in your hand

如果你把瓶子掉到地上,它就会裂成小碎片。The bottle will shatter if you drop it.

都可能会随时将它粉碎。That any second would shatter it. Now deep

变成石头的海贼们粉碎成了粉末。And the stoned pirates shatter into pieces.

你可以用化为碎砾和粉碎抗击,但它们并不够好。Granulate and Shatter can fight, but not well enough.

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它威胁着要粉碎成千成万美国人的生活。It threatens to shatter the lives of millions of our people.

一旦生了锈,就无法再使用了,要是无法再用,我就会碎裂。Once rusty, you can not re-use, and if not then, I will shatter.

但是,陶瓷,离子晶体就会抵抗外力,只到它们破碎。Whereas, ceramics, ionic crystals will resist until they shatter.

但是,中国的“我世代”却彻底粉碎了这个预言。But China's Me generation could shatter such long-held assumptions.

粉碎这类粗饲料应以剪切和搓擦为主。To shatter this kind of forage depends mainly on cutting and rubbing.

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然而现实却是如此地残酷,可以把梦想击毁得一点不留。However, reality was so cruel that could shatter their dream thoroughly.

你们大多数人应该都知道一个唱女高音的人,可以震碎一块水晶玻璃。Most of you know that a soprano opera singer can shatter a crystal glass.

尽管他的声音会击碎你的梦,像狂风尽扫园中的花。Though his may shatter your dreams as the north wind lays waste the garden.

光明啊,请赐予我力量吧。让我摧毁这些邪恶。Light, grant me one final ble ing. Give me the strength to shatter these bonds.

在我左边,在桥的一角,有个人将要打碎我的梦。On my left, on the corner of the bridge, there is someone to shatter my dreams.

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橄榄球运动员据此相信他的面罩不会裂成碎片。A football player counts on this when he trusts that his facemask won't shatter.

参演一些有趣低预算的小制作影片,一改他之前的荧幕形象。Take on some interesting, low-budget flicks that shatter his pre-existing image.

即便她的声音或会震碎你的梦幻,如北风吹荒庭园。Though his voice may shatter your dreams as the north wind lays waste the garden.