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有人在砰砰地擂门。Someone is thundering at the door.

我被一声可怕的雷声惊醒。I was awaked by terrible thundering.

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那么谁是这个银行问题的评论家?So who was this thundering bank critic?

然后雷鸣般的声音在他后面响起。Then a thundering sound erupted behind him.

长草中疾驰而过的马匹有如蝼蚁。Horses small as ants thundering through the grass.

一次非常干旱季节的倾盆大雨产生了雷鸣般的急流。A rare dry-season downpour produced the thundering runoff.

他们雷鸣般地向哈利路亚山挺进。They sweep toward the Hallelujah mountains in a thundering wave.

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这一次,以雷鸣般的轰鸣声,双仙湾六涨到空气中。This time, with a thundering roar, Gemini Six rose into the air.

但是昨天的天气糟糕极了,狂风大作,雷雨交加。It rained heavily while it was thundering. And it had a strong wind.

还等什么,咱们现在就享受一下这个雷人的发明吧!What are we waiting for? Let's enjoy this thundering invention right now!

牠从远处闻着战气,又听见军长大发雷声,和兵丁呐喊。And from afar he smells the battle, The thundering of captains and the shouting.

然而模联储长篇大论中雷打不动的风格便是模糊的政策细节。But drowning out the specifics was the thundering tone of the Fed’s long statement.

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太对啦!还等什么,咱们现在就享受一下这个雷人的发明吧!Absolutely! What are we waiting for?Let's enjoy this thundering invention right now!

那个黑暗雨夜,那风和带着雷电的云紧紧的包围了我。The dark, rainy evening, the wind, the thundering clouds held me entirely in their power.

11日晚,广州亚运开幕式在一片赞美声中结束。Guangzhou held the 2010 Asian Games opening ceremony Friday night amid thundering applause.

漆黑的夜晚,风雨交加,电闪雷鸣,我全然被这种力量镇住了。The dark , rainy evening , the wind , the thundering clouds held me entirely in their power.

果然不出馆长所料,附近的一扇铁门轰然落下,封住了通往画廊的入口。As he anticipated, a thundering iron gate fell nearby, barricading the entrance to the suite.

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这时,魁刚听见更多的皮靴声骤雨般席卷而来,以及机器人特有的嗡嗡声。He heard more boots thundering down the hallway and the distinctive whirr of oncoming droids.

我们能听见古槐在雷鸣闪电中被劈裂的声音。We could hear the old Chinese scholartree riving and splitting under thundering and lightning.

约二十名纳威骑手投入战斗,他们骑乘的重凯马的蹄声如雷鸣般轰响。And then twenty mounted Na'vi charge into the battle, the hooves of their direhorses thundering.