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将对伊战略置于地区努力中。Situate the strategy in a regional approach.

他们正设法确定医院的修建地点。They are trying to decide where to situate the hospital.

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公司想把总部设在上海。The company wants to situate its headquarters in Shanghai.

我们计划要把我们的新房子盖在城市的中央。We planned to situate our new house in the heart of the city.

但是,如果这样的话,那么这些经验的性质又位于哪里呢?But if that is so, where do we situate the qualities of experience?

为了要了解他,你必须先把自己设想在他的情境中。To understand him, you must first situate yourself in his situation.

一个新的空间作为车库,位于起居室南侧。A new volume is destined to the garage and to the living situate to the South.

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我常在想,为什么我要把自己搞得那么辛苦呢?I always thinking, why do I make myself to situate in this position now, for what?

不仅真实的流浪是岌岌可危的,我们摆放自己的方式也是。Not only actual exile is at stake, but also how we situate ourselves in the world.

一些亚非拉和东欧等国家的使馆也被安置在这里。Some embassies of Asian-African-Latin countries and East-Europe also situate here.

这对于理解Dhruv在这种社会背景下的企业家冒险行为很重要。It is important to situate Dhruv's entrepreneurial venture against this background.

位于进入座椅座椅固定U形座架作为对齐显示标志下面的说明“。Situate the U-shaped seat frame into the seat seat fixture as shown in the illustration below.

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首先让我们以神经系统科学的最新研究成果作为讨论背景。First let us situate this discussion in the context of the recent achievements of neuroscience.

位于该转向节大会,以便它适合于板的横梁关节回来。Situate the steering knuckle assembly so that it fits on to the cross member knuckle back plate.

我们会试图把它安置在艺术史中,拿它与各种流派的其他艺术品做比较。We will try to situate it in the history of art, comparing it to other artworks in various genres.

位于适用的武器指节子装配,使整个大会出现如下。Situate the applicable arms to the knuckle sub-assembly so that the whole assembly appears as below.

工程完成后,位于新坐骑在以往取得的座位图所示的座位上停留。Upon completion, situate the newly made seat mounts onto the seat stays as shown in previous drawings.

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也就是说,你要在一条一条的横杆之间调整你的体位,享受你的独木舟性爱咯!meaning your canoe sex will situate your bodies between a hard metal boat and a series of hard metal poles. Rrrrow!

小心把籽苗或发芽的插枝放在花盆中,需要的话用多一些土将它们固住。Carefully situate the seedlings or sprouted cuttings in the container, securing them with additional soil where needed.

三个扁平“盒子”坐落于起伏的场地上,以不同的朝向向周边的城市文脉展开。The flat "boxes" situate on the undulant ground with various orientations, opening and connecting with the urban context.