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他大声发泄他的不满情绪。He bawled his dissatisfaction.

她口气激烈地说出了她的不满。She hurled her dissatisfaction.

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我不敢吐露出我的不满。I dared not voice my dissatisfaction.

此刻他心里大有一种强烈的未足之感。Now he felt an intense dissatisfaction.

有些是比这好些——无聊,厌倦,不满。Some are less so – boredom, ennui, dissatisfaction.

此举惹来张妈妈的强烈不满。The move to provoke a mothers strong dissatisfaction.

我们对此表示强烈不满和坚决反对。We express strong dissatisfaction and firm opposition to it.

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大多博士生的一个共同点是爱发牢骚。One thing many PhD students have in common is dissatisfaction.

那些怨怼的情绪,只是对自己的不满。Resentment of those emotions, but on their own dissatisfaction.

中方对此表示强烈不满和坚决反对。We express strong dissatisfaction and resolute opposition to that.

台北市长郝龙斌对此表示不满。Taipei City Mayor Hau Lung-bin expressed dissatisfaction about this.

成曦不满升海等人欺骗他,夺门离去。A rising sea Xi dissatisfaction from the departure et al lied to him.

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中方对此表示强烈不满和坚决反对。China expresses strong dissatisfaction and resolute opposition to it.

而到目前为止他们对不满最通常的做法还是一走了之。By far the most common response to dissatisfaction is simply to leave.

中方对此表示强烈不满和坚决反对。China hereby expresses its strong dissatisfaction and firm opposition.

柏龄不满碧玉到来大吵大闹,怒掴她后将她赶走。BaiLing dissatisfaction jasper come hell down her anger after her away.

KK不满新人邢丰的唱片封套,又要荣跟进。XingFeng KK dissatisfaction the new album covers, and must honor follow up.

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我认为,人们对工作的不满源于外界对工作的需要。I believe the dissatisfaction for work stems from the external need to work.

黄占魁不满自己的兄弟们被当靶子,断然拒绝。Huang Zhankui dissatisfaction with his brothers is when the target, rebuffed.

商品和房地产价格的上涨是导致不满的主要原因。Rising commodity and real estate prices were major causes of dissatisfaction.