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坎特伯雷大主教柏克特T。Thomas ket, Archbishop of Canterbury.

坎特伯雷大主教柏克特T。Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury.

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你在想我是坎特伯雷市的修道院长。You think that I am the Abbot of Canterbury.

每次我在坎特伯雷时,总要去瞻仰一下大教堂。Canterbury I make a point of visiting the cathedral.

坎特伯雷大学以工程学闻名。Canterbury university with engineering is well-known.

我借了一匹马,骑到坎特伯雷当面去问阿格尼斯。I borrowed a horse and rode to Canterbury to ask Agnes myself.

坎特伯雷大主教被称为全英总主教。The Archbishop of Canterbury is called the Primate of All England.

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每次我在坎特伯雷时,总要去瞻仰一下大教堂。Whenever I'm in Canterbury I make a point of visiting the cathedral.

这是在坎特伯雷大主教宣布他们成为夫妻之后进行的。It should be after the Archbishop of Canterbury pronounces them man and wife.

我记得坎特伯雷大主教在一场布道会里批评摇滚乐。I remember the Archbishop of Canterbury preaching a sermon against rock'n'roll.

他是坎特伯里一鞋匠的儿子,曾在剑桥大学取得学位。The son of a Canterbury shoemaker, he earned a degree from Cambridge University.

然而,坎特伯雷素来是基督教大主教和僧侣的聚集地。But Canterbury would always be the city of the archbishop and monks of Christ Church.

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南岛中部坎特伯雷地区的居民18日将放假一天,以便进行凭吊。Central South Island region of Canterbury will be a day off 18 people for pay tribute.

坎特伯里大学迁移之后,这里成为地区的艺术中心。After the relocation of the University of Canterbury , here become a regional arts centre.

教皇本笃十六世抵达伦敦会见坎特伯里大主教威廉斯。Pope Benedict XVI arrives in London to meet the Archbishop of Canterbury Dr. Rowan Williams.

他在四十名传教士的伴随下,来到作为撒克逊人肯特王国教城的坎特伯雷。He, with more than 40 brothers, came to Canterbury which was a city of Kent Kingdom as Saxon.

但是没有人比罗马教皇和坎特伯雷大主教更清楚他的虚伪奸险。But no one knew the falseness of his heart better than the Pope and the Archbishop of Canterbury.

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骑士和他的新娘在肯特郡的坎特伯雷附近的封邑安居乐业,并生育了五个孩子。Sir Rolandhis bride lived happily ever after in his fief near Canterbury. They had five children.

因此,在英格兰,坎特伯雷被人们形象地比喻为基督教金羊的摇篮。So in England, Canterbury is likened to the cradle of the faith in Christianity vividly by people.

海军上将乔治鲁克爵士于1650年出生于坎特布雷附近的圣劳伦斯。Admiral Sir George Rooke, English naval commander, was born at St Lawrence, near Canterbury in 1650.