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花言巧语的家伙,火柴人,窝囊废。A flimflam man, matchstick man, loser.

我会把你们那火柴般的家烧尽!I'll set your matchstick homes aflame!

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找一根火柴,从一边切开一个口。Take a wooden matchstick and slice a thin sliver from one side.

牠抽动尾巴可以像折断火柴棍似的打断一个人的腿。The twitch of his tail can break a man's leg like a matchstick.

不要做那种一经摩擦就会起火的火柴头。Don't be like the matchstick that flares up on slightest friction.

火柴,我们现在可以生成并再次运行应用程序。With our matchstick in place, we can now build and run the application again.

有些人收集邮票,有些人造火柴房子,安迪则成立图书馆。Some fellas collect stamps. Others build matchstick houses. Andy built a library.

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跟一个让我开怀的人在一起比跟一个火柴棍似的女生一起我更开心。I'm happier with someone who makes me laugh than a girl who looks like a matchstick !

山杨并不易燃,有利于制造慢速燃烧、不致烧伤手尖的火柴棍。Aspen isn't very flammable, making for a slow-burning, non-fingertip-singeing matchstick.

牛奶烧糊了,火柴烧黑了,那焦香我闻见了就觉得饿。Milk gets burnt, and matchstick gets burnt black. Those singeing smell makes me feel hungry.

加上了光影,色彩,简单的火柴人就变得很有戏了。With the additional of contrast, shadow, colors, a simple matchstick man can be very dramatic.

那男孩经过三年的苦难生活已经变得面色蜡黄,骨瘦如柴。The boy became yellow as a guinea and thin as a matchstick after three years of miserable life.

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找一根木梗火柴,从一端割开一个口子,然后竖着把火柴劈成两长条。Take a wooden matchstick and slice a thin sliver from one side. Then cut the remaining stick in two, lengthwise.

找一根木梗火柴,从一端割开一个口儿,然后竖着把火柴劈成两长条。Take a wooden matchstick and slice a thellon sliver from one side. Then cut the remaining stick in two, lengthwise.

要显示在监视器的信息,我们还代码的界面和火柴杆的拉例外字符串。To display the message in the Monitor, we would also code an interface and matchstick that pull the exception string.

在给定测试完成后,该接口将不再能够从国家的对象,并火柴棍将创建和提供的接口。After a given test completes, the interface will be pulled from the state object, and the matchstick will be created and given the interface.

用50万根火柴棍搭建起来的霍格沃茨魔法学校城堡模型近日在美国一个叫“火柴棍奇迹”的博物馆展出。A replica of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry made from half a million matchsticks has been unveiled at the America's Matchstick Marvels museum.

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相信有些年纪的玩家在小时候都玩过有趣的火柴棒谜题或类似的拼图游戏。让我们一起来挑战最快解题记录吧!I believe that some of the older players in the child Played interesting matchstick puzzle or similar to the jigsaw puzzle together to challenge the fastest problem-solving record!