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随意自由的进入他们的秘密会议。Free to enter their conclave at will.

你听到了选举会议上的反应。You heard the reaction in the conclave.

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大师密会服务于许多目标。The Masters Conclave event serves many purposes.

红衣主教团举行了秘密会议来选举新教皇。A conclave of cardinals was held to elect the new Pope.

教皇选举会议是一个术语,来自两个拉丁词。Conclave is a term that comes from the two Latin words.

我很羞愧地承认总领告诉我在选举会议上,你会被将军打败。I’m ashamed to say that the master told me the marshal would defeat you in the conclave.

这就是我们要在前方大使秘会活动中,为人类物种所编织的梦想。This is the new dream we are to weave at our Conclave event ahead for the human species.

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这可藉由秘会中的小群体来完成,会有足够多人数出现。This can be accomplished through a small group at Masters Conclave , and enough will show for this.

其结果是响亮和有争议的秘密会议的呼声在罗马或至少一名意大利教皇。The result was a loud and controversial conclave with cries for a Roman or at least an Italian pope.

但这次会议可能很难改变人们认为世界石油市场不稳定的看法。Yet the conclave is likely to do little to change perceptions about the precariousness of world oil markets.

提升思想形态对人类梦想的很大部分效果,是通过我们大师秘会的活动而产生的。Much of the effect of ascension thought-form over the human dream is generated at our Masters Conclave events.

罗马基督教红衣主教齐聚梵蒂冈,红衣主教团将于下周二选举新教皇。Roman Catholic cardinals gathered at the Vatican and voted to begin their conclave to elect a new pope next Tuesday.

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在秘密会议开始前,枢机主教进行了保密宣誓,纽约枢机主教蒂莫西·多兰是第一批宣誓的主教之一。New York Cardinal Timothy Dolan was among the first to recite the oath of secrecy before the start of the papal conclave.

在由枢机主教在一个月内选举出新任的主教之前,日常的教庭事务将暂时交由枢机主教们处理。Cardinals will deal with the day-to-day running of the Church until they elect a new pope at a conclave later in the month.

收益将被用来在今年9月晚期出版来自夏威夷秘会的光之语卡片和书籍。The proceeds are to be utilized to publish the Language of Light Cards and Book from the Conclave in Hawaii in late September.

在星期一选举开始前举行的弥撒说教时,本笃枢机谴责了当今破坏天主教的种种趋势。In his homily at a Mass Monday before the conclave started, Cardinal Ratzinger denounced modern trends undermining Catholicism.

这样,一年又一年,他们的活动如大师秘会,性质上已不断统一与无害化。In so doing, year after year, their events such as their Masters Conclave have become increasingly unity based and harmless in nature.

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然而他们却不敢公然惩罚黑暗圣堂武士,因为这将会揭露背叛的存在。The Conclave was not willing to punish the templar openly for their disobedience because doing so would reveal the existence of the rebels.

梵蒂冈发言人托马斯·罗斯卡表示就在被选为教皇之前,红衣主教贝尔奥利奥带着一丝不安进入秘会。Vatican spokesman Thomas Rosica says, just before being elected pope, Cardinal Bergoglio entered the conclave with a sense of apprehension.

当然,我说的是今晚在布鲁塞尔召开的神圣秘密会议,欧盟总统就要被选出来了,我们什么时候能看到白烟呢?I refer, of course, to the solemn Conclave assembling tonight in Brussels to elect the President of Europe. When shall we see the white smoke?