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它慢吞吞的,一步步的走上坡来。She speaks with a Southern drawl.

他母亲说话的声音稍稍拖长一下。His mother was speaking with a slight drawl.

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路灯下斜斜的拉长了我的影子。Under the direction of light drawl my shadow.

我是说酒吧侍应的南部拖腔如何?I mean, what about a bartender with a southern drawl ?

现在我知道他的其实是一个很好的发言。Drawl . Now I realize that he's actually a good speaker.

乔布斯急躁的时候,他却可以泰然处之。He has a southern drawl and is as cool as Mr Jobs runs hot.

维吉尼亚州的口音就明显地与南卡罗来那州的缓慢、拖尾音之腔调不同。Virginia accent differs distinctly from the slow drawl of South Carolina.

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“我不知道为什麽,我着迷于放射性,”威尔逊以他的悠閒拖长声调说。"I'm obsessed with radioactivity. I don't know why, " says Wilson in his laid-back drawl.

他的言谈随意而亲密,低沉犹豫的腔调听起来也并不会让人不悦。He talked freely and intimately in a low, hesitating drawl that was not unpleasant to hear.

他旳嗓音没有任何懒洋洋旳痕迹,这种懒洋洋旳痕迹是你希望在─个衣着时髦旳年轻人身上发现旳。His voice had no trace of the drawl that you would expect to find in a fashionably dressed young man.

我知道国家出台了政策帮助经济发展,但是我还没发现这些政策起作用。I know there are policies to help the economy, but I've not seen them working," he added in his Sichuanese drawl.

甚至有人给我发来一封恶意的匿名语音邮件,语气强硬且傲慢,带着威胁,“说话小心点儿。”I even got an ominous, anonymous voice mail from someone with a strong drawl cautioning, 'Be careful with what you say.'

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萨拉•科尔威尔浓重的德文郡长音一夜之间消失了,这是世界仅有的20例外国口音综合征病例之一。Sarah Colwill's strong Devon drawl disappeared overnight, in one of only 20 known cases of Foreign Accent Syndrome worldwide.

科斯特纳的声音从话筒里可以立刻辨认出来。他的声音柔和、缓慢,带有加利福尼亚口音,好象家庭医生上门看病人时的宽慰声音。Costner's voice is instantly recognizable on the phone-a soft, slow Californian drawl as reassuring as a family doctor making a house call.

通常锅炉排出的蒸汽会进入到烟囱,喷涌出的蒸汽由于气压差的引力,会把更多的火带入火管。Often steam exhaust from the boiler goes into the stack, the force of the steam shooting out of it , helps drawl the fire more inside the flues.

我叔叔谢尔顿搬到达拉斯后,有一天他回到布鲁克林拜访,来炫耀自己的波洛领带,鲜艳的牛仔靴,絮絮叨叨了很久。AFTER my uncle Sheldon moved to Dallas, he returned to Brooklyn for a visit flaunting a bolo tie, a splashy pair of cowboy boots and a nascent drawl.

他那声音,她听来觉得分外愉快,是一个上等人的节奏抑扬的调子,响亮而带有查尔斯顿人的平稳、和缓、悠长的韵味。His voice was oddly pleasant to the ear, the well-modulated voice of a gentleman, resonant and overlaid with the flat slow drawl of the Charlestonian.

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想象走在那座城市里,不会有认识的人,所有的建筑与行人都可以成为你的风景,所有的时间在这里被无限的拉长。Imagine taking away in the cities, not understanding the people. all the building and pedestrians can become your landscape, all the time here was unlimited drawl.

他的声音仍然保持着一点像往常那样冷静而缓慢的调子,但是她能感觉到里面尽力压抑着的那股凶暴劲儿,那股像抽响的鞭子一样残忍的劲儿。His voice still held a remnant of its wonted cool drawl but beneath the words she could feel violence fighting its way to the surface violence as cruel as the crack of a whip.

“我是在为我的老板主持的一次晚宴上见到克雷夫的,”劳伊娜用文雅的东欧语调慢慢地说,“他那时就像一条离了水的鱼,他引起了我的注意,我和他交谈起来。"I met Clive at a dinner I hosted for my boss," Rajna says in a refined Eastern European drawl. "He was like a fish out of water and I was concerned, so I got talking with him.