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飞机斜着往上升。The plane climbed steeply.

小路陡直而下直到村子。The path descends steeply to the village.

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这条路有几英里向上倾斜得很陡。The road climbs steeply for several miles.

在那村子附近,这条路下一个陡坡。The road descends steeply near that village.

运动场的看台坡度很大。The stands at the sports ground rake steeply.

一类壁立千仞、有欲则刚的坚忍不拔。A steeply Chihiro, desire is just the perseverance.

这条街的这个地方拱起很高。The street is quite steeply cambered at this point.

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在一连串的发卡型弯道上,路一下子变得非常陡峭。The road immediately climbed steeply in a series of hairpin turns.

我们起飞后急剧上升,到达25,000英尺时才水平飞行。We climbed steeply after take-off, and levelled out at 25,000 feet.

而在开始调整工资前,失业率似乎就可能飙升。Unemployment seems likely to rise steeply before wages start to adjust.

过了林木线之后沿着长满青草的小道直通陡峭的山顶。Above the treeline take a grassy path leading steeply towards the summit.

在新法律出台的2007到2008年间,销量上升幅度更大。Sales rose more steeply between 2007 and 2008, before it came into effect.

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这次的新发现为认为“鸟类是恐龙”这一学派带来压倒性的优势。The new finding tips the balance steeply toward the bird-as-dinosaur camp.

近些年,是平均工资几倍的CEO们的工资一直在飞速增长。CEO pay as a multiple of average pay has been rising steeply in recent years.

州民的电费在涨幅上大大超过了汽车牌照费的涨幅。People’s electric rates were going up far more steeply than the car tags had.

一只绿头鸭突然飞起,愤怒地尖鸣一声直冲天空。A mallard suddenly took wing, rising steeply into the air with an angry squawk.

频繁的活动,使其陡峭的山坡覆盖有火山喷发岩。As a result of its frequent activity, the steeply sloped peak is coated with lava.

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虽然它仍然仅是所需资金的一小部分,但已急剧增加。Although it is still only a small fraction of what is needed, it has risen steeply.

河台金矿开采急倾斜、薄矿体、矿岩中等稳固的蚀变糜棱岩型金矿床。Alteration mylonite gold deposit, which is steeply dipping and narrow vein together.

我可不想被吃掉。我爬起来就跑。前面一座小山包冒了出来——陡陡峭峭地。I decided I would rather not be eaten. I got up and ran. Ahead of me a hill rose steeply.