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如此就可以产生并发展正念。In this way sati can arise and it can be developed.

培养觉性就是在唤醒一个人的觉知元素。To develop sati is to shake the knowing element of a person.

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如果在那一刻没有正念,就不可能有智慧。If there is no sati at that moment, there can be no panna either.

展厅内坑中,有完整的殉马遗骨106具,在发现原址建成。Pit hall, complete sati 106 Ma remains, after the discovery of the site completed.

应用于工业废水中镍的测定,结果满意。The method has been applied to the determination of nickel in waste water samples with sati.

既满足了显示质量的要求,又满足了大量高精度波浪数据的要求。The method sati satisfies not only the displaying quality but also the large precise wave data.

这是一个通过酸蚀浮法玻璃来获得一种与众不同,光滑均匀,像绸缎一样的玻璃的过程。A process of acid etching one side of float glass to obtain a distinctive, uniformly smooth and sati.

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我们按下这里的开关是为了照亮那边,同理,我们培养觉性是为了灭苦。We touch the switch here in order to have light there. We develop sati here in order to end all dukkha.

正是缘起的慧心所体验并知道正念的所缘是无我的。It is the conditioned mental factor panna or wisdom which experiences or knows the objects of sati as not Self.

正如隆波田所说“仅阅读本书不够的,它只能指导你,若想真正明瞭,你必须去修习及培养觉性。”As Luangpor Teean said, "Reading the book can only guide you. To really know, one needs to practice and develop sati."

殉夫行为是凭自愿的,而据现存资料来看,绝大多数的殉夫行为确是出自自愿。The act of sati was supposed to take place voluntarily, and from the existing accounts, most of them were indeed voluntary.

只有存在正念的短暂时刻,智慧才有机会更清楚地如实认识色法或名法,知其为无我。Only in the short moment of sati does panna, have the opportunity to know a rupa or nama more distinctly as they really are, as not Self.

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泰总理办公室部长萨提表示,他将要求内阁将最近发生的地震和洪涝灾害作为国家议题来考虑。Thai Prime Minister's Office Minister Sati said he would ask the cabinet to the recent earthquakes and floods as a national issue to consider.

正念需要长时间练习和积累,然后智慧才能在五取蕴生起的时候体验其为无我。Sati has to be practised and accumulated for a long time before panna can experience the five aggregates of clinging as they arise, as being not Self.

但是,也有不鼓励寡妇殉夫并且积极防止此类死亡发生的地区。However, there were also instances where the wish of the widow to commit sati was not welcomed by others, and where efforts were made to prevent the death.

人殉文化起源于父系氏族公社时期,伴随着中国古代社会的发展,在不同的阶段着有不同的表现形式。The Sati system originated in the patrilineal society, along with the development of ancient Chinese society, in the different stages had different manifestations.

正念是对通过意门生起的心理状态,如贪婪、欲望、嗔恶、愤怒、兴奋、抑郁、骄傲、吝啬、嫉妒等的觉知。Sati is aware of mental states such as greed, sense desire, ill-will, anger, excitement, depression, pride, stinginess, jealousy etc. as they arise through the mind door.

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文中着重界定了可持续农业技术创新的概念、内涵、特征和创新主体,并提出了可持续农业技术创新理论的研究框架和主要内容。The conception, connotation, characteristics and actor of the innovation are also defined in this paper. Besides, the research framework and the main content of the SATI are advanced.

如果正念和智慧能够体证当下通过六根门出现的名色的生灭,对这些因缘生法的执着就会减少。If sati and panna can realise the arising and passing away of the rupas and namas which appear here and now through the six doors, there would be more detachment from these conditioned phenomena.