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每一支维修队都有自己的厨师。Each brigade has its own cook.

现在他是我们市一个消防大队的队长。Now he leads a fire brigade in our city.

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少校派了一个旅把守关隘。The major set a brigade to guard the pass.

救火队项目最早自1999年开始启动。The anti-fire brigade project started in 1999.

我们中队接受了任务,并且我们不能更改它。My brigade has its task and we can\'t change it.

昨天消防队闻警出动两次。The fire brigade was called out twice yesterday.

现在,他是我们公社一个生产大队的队长。Now he leads a production brigade in our commune.

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消防队普遍使用这种升降货梯。The fire brigade generally uses the lifting ladder.

戈瓦达尔斯基是第110消防旅的。Valarey Gevardarsky is with the 110th fire brigade.

同样地,这也是爱尔兰旅的转折点。It was also the turning point for the Irish Brigade.

野战炮队正在待命,他们的炮都已装在前车上了。A brigade of field artillery was waiting, limbered up.

一会儿我受到队长沈才福的欢迎。Soon I was greeted by Shen Caifu, head of the brigade.

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我还竞选大队委了呢!I also campaigned for the production brigade to entrust!

生产大队留出了充足的储备粮。Our production brigade has set aside ample reserve grain.

消防队闻讯赶到。On hearing the alarm the fire brigade rushed to the scene.

我们大队现在有五十四条船,包括一些机帆船。Our brigade now has 54 boats, including a few motor junks.

我在伦敦消防队做了32年的消防员。Yeah, I was a fireman for 32 years in London Fire Brigade.

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两次驻留期间,他们都在同一旅服勤。In both of their tours, they've served in the same brigade.

德令哈旅经常被认为是一支训练部队。The Delingha brigade is often referred to as a training unit.

他们赶运了一旅伪军来增援这个地区。They rushed a brigade of puppet troops to reinforce the area.