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这个想法听起来可能让你不寒而栗。The idea may horrify you.

这样的事情她却不震惊。Such things did not appear to horrify her.

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她对这种事情似乎并不感到奇怪。Such things did not appear to horrify her.

刺激的自己都快吓傻了。Oneselfs, who stimulates, almost horrify silly.

这些是令文明国家震惊的行为。These are acts that will horrify civilizations.

如果你能知道我仅凭嗅觉就能发现多少东西,我想你会震惊得说不出话来。I think it would horrify you what I can detect by smell alone.

看看把人家小孩吓的,说话都不利索了。See ugg boots someone another kid horrify of, talk all unlucky Suo.

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魔御邪将吓到了小狐狸抱在怀里安抚。Is evil to resist evil ambition horrify small fox to embrace to pacify in the breast.

这部影片是折磨虐待的概要,也许能让S&M俱乐部的正规会员们心寒恐慌。The movie is a compendium of tortures that would horrify the regulars at an S&M club.

若是被胆小的人听到,不知要吓成什么样。If be heard along the person of timidity, don't know ugg claccic horrify what variety.

未来的巨城使得正在努力应付目前大城市困难的设计人员感到恐惧。The monster cities of the future horrify planners struggling to cope with today's metropolises.

华宪之一声大吼,吓得两人一缩,纷自灰了脸色。The one of China Xians roars loud and horrify on dwindling, 2 people's Fen from ash facial statement.

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巧儿很想大笑,不过她怕吓到了这个采花贼。The Qiao son really thinks cachinnation, although she is terrified to horrify this to adopt to spend a thief.

看着头上的伤害数值,我顿时吓得魂飞魄散,魔防,战士永远的痛啊!Looking at the injury digit on the pate, I immediately frighten horrify to death, evil safeguard, knight permanent pain!

我这周就开了这车,感觉它在转向,加速以及所有层面都做得很让人失望。I'm using one this week and on every bend, down every straight and over every surface it never fails to disappoint and horrify.

到时候也生个金头发,黄眼睛的小娃娃出来,还不得吓死你这丫头。Also living a gold hair when the time comes, the small toy of yellow eyes comes out, can not also horrify to decease you this wench.

这不会立即结束你童心对她献殷勤但是这会给你带来惊惧从而让你开始看清现实、脱离出来。This won't immediately end your inner child's adulation for her, but it will horrify you enough to begin seeing reality and disengaging.

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布什政府将这场危机视作“新中东”的“一个机会”的华丽陈词可能会令华盛顿那些将自己描画为理想主义者的人士感到惊骇万分。" The administration's rhetoric about the crisis as "an opportunity" for "a new Middle East" may horrify Washington's self-described realists.

一声刺耳嚎叫后一个恐怖有幸从巫医身体里爆发出来,这可以恐吓敌人使其逃窜一段时间。With a piercing howl a menacing specter erupts from the Witch Doctor's body, which works to horrify enemies and send them fleeing for a limited time.

听了范海勒和何夕这番对话,我倒对范海勒会“吓倒我”的医学理念真的产生了兴趣。Listenned to the this time talk of Fan Hai Lei and He Xi, I poured to Fan Hai Lei will the medical science rule of "horrify to pour me" really produced amuse.