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同一时间只能有一个目标被闷住。Only 1 target may be sapped at a time.

海湾战争使伊拉克大伤元气。The Gulf War has sapped Iraqi vitality badly.

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这就是通常人们半下午元气大伤的原因所在。This is often why people are sapped by mid-afternoon.

急性痢疾严重伤害了他的肌体。Acute dysentery wracked and sapped life from his body.

损失的时间侵蚀掉我的钱和一点信心。That lost time sapped my finances and a bit of my confidence.

猎园里的那座桥有一个桥洞被水冲毁,而且被冲走了。An arch of the bridge in the park has been sapped and sopped away.

它已侵蚀了国家的斗志并榨干了国家的经济实力。It has eroded the nation’s morale and sapped its economic strength.

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但这会延长已经打压了市场信心的政坛不稳定期。However, this could prolong the uncertainty that has sapped market confidence.

但是不久土卫八外围的漂浮物削减其自转能量并使其变慢。But not before its outward drift sapped rotational energy from Iapetus and slowed it down.

“我的潜水衣太紧了,”大美说,“消耗了我肩膀的能量。”"My wetsuit was too tight, " says Jenson, "which really sapped the energy from my shoulders.

我的力量已经减弱,因为我努力捍卫自己免受黑暗的暗算。My strength has been sapped with the effort of defending myself against the wiles of the dark.

当迷你步哨枪被放置了电子工兵时,没有在左上角的列表中出现警告提示。以及工程师也可能不会说出相应的人物台词。A sapped Mini-sentry will not show an alert on HUD and the Engineer may not say a fitting line.

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如果我这新产生的紧张情绪没有耗尽我那早已有限的精力的话,我就仍能搞好学习。Had not my new tensions sapped my already limited energy, I might still carry my studies successfully.

否则你会发现,你的黑客热情会被其他分心的事物吞噬掉——如金钱、性和社会上的虚名。Otherwise you'll find your hacking energy is sapped by distractions like sex, money, and social approval.

在照片一角,我们看到了曾经的总统大人,他下台已经八年,心脏手术损耗了他的精力。In one corner the world saw the Big Dog, eight years out of office and his energy sapped by heart surgery.

他一直在吃营养品,这是事实,但是医生们在他身上所作的一切努力只是在榨取他残留的活力。True, he had been taking nourishment, but the work the doctors had been doing on him had just about sapped his remaining vitality.

他的朋友认为,无论真正的死因如何,是克格勃和秘密情报局联手抹尽了沃尔芬登对生的渴望。His friends believed, no matter what the actual cause of death, that between them, the KGB and the SIS had sapped his will to live.

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我们在世界上承担的领导责任以及我们应对世界上最大挑战的承诺没有耗尽我们的力量或动摇我们的决心。Our leadership in the world and our commitment to tackle its greatest challenges have not drained our strength or sapped our resolve.

自打美国不慎陷入经济危机泥潭,作为全球经济增长发动机的能力削弱,这类说法就喋喋不休,甚嚣尘上。But the chatter has grown louder since America blundered into a financial crisis that sapped its ability to act as the motor for global growth.

有人宣称她在英国王室掀起新风尚,降低自己皇室身份,重塑王室道德观念。It is sometimes alleged that she pioneered a fashion for public emoting that demeaned her royal office and sapped the moral fibre of the nation.