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用一种刺耳的声音呼吸。To breathe with a rasping sound.

我的窗下,一个清晰而粗厉的响声Under my window a clean rasping sound

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这是我如何固定弓锉它的。Here's how I hold the bow while rasping it.

她心烦意乱,他听得出她声线里粗嘎的低音。He could hear the rasping wild undertone in her voice.

她躺在床上,嗓子里发出粗重而痛苦的呼吸声。She lay in bed, her breath rasping painfully in her throat.

风让人们烦躁焦虑,尘土的微粒剐着人的脸,刺痛人的眼睛。It was a rasping nervous wind, and the dust particles cut into a man's skin and burned his eyes.

大风让人们烦躁焦虑,尘土的微粒剐着人的脸,刺痛人的眼睛。It was a rasping nervous wind, and the dust particles cut into a man's skin and burned his eyes.

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在第七场比赛中,索德林在面对费德勒强劲的正手击球的压力下痛失两个盘点。In the seventh game, the Swede was facing two set points when a rasping Federer forehand flew past him.

经过为期一年的无数以失败告终的治疗后,他只能听天由命地用粗哑的嗓音低声说话。After a year of numerous and unsuccessful medical treatments, he became resigned to a life of rasping whispers.

声音中较多的是渐弱的、刺耳的尖叫声,融入低沉地、令人心焦的咆哮,最后以震耳欲聋的嘶嘶声结束。The noise was more of a "descending scream, building into a deep, rasping roar, and ending in a deafening hiss," he said.

声音中较多的是渐弱的、刺耳的尖叫声,融入低沉地、令人心焦的咆哮,最后以震耳欲聋的嘶嘶声结束。The noise was more of a "descending scream, building into a deep, rasping roar, and ending in a deafening hiss, " he said.

刚好在她到达之前,她就会以她那仅剩的底气友好地小声打声招呼,声音尖锐而沙哑。Well before she arrived, she’d call out a friendly word with what little voice she had left, which was shrill and rasping.

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可惜,他们在精彩的防守反击后为这记抽射进球的庆祝,却因为边裁的挥旗失望而归。A magnificent counter attack and a rasping shot ended with celebrations that were wrongly cut short by the linesman's flag.

斑马军团在昨晚进行的对阵曼城的欧联杯小组赛中同对手战成1比1平,前乌迪内斯前锋打入一粒世界波。The former Udinese man did find the target last night with a rasping drive in Juve's 1-1 Europa League draw at Manchester City.

接着又骤然满脸戚容,一边重新使劲切面包,一边用嘶哑刺耳的声音吼着。Then, suddenly overclouding all his features, he growled in a hoarsened rasping voice as he hewed again vigorously at the loaf.

我经常看到豹子的踪迹,或辨出它们强烈的气味,有时候听到它们捕猎的声音。Often I saw the tracks of a leopard, or recognized its powerful feline smell, and sometimes I heard the soft rasping of its hunting call.

这些人都比一个月前瘦了许多,眼眶陷进了,嗓子也发沙,然而都很快活兴奋。All were much thinner than the previous month, with eyes sunk in their sockets , throats rasping and hoarse. But everyone was excited, happy.

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克斯特亚听到他自己在喘,也听到倒在地上那家伙的沉重喘息,还有瘫靠在马桶水箱上的那个小个子从鼻子里发出的缓慢呼吸。Kostya heard his own, the rasping of the beaten gangster, and the slow, nasal exhalations of the smaller gangster, slumped against the toilet tank.

由于房子的灯光变暗在威尼斯电影节的Darsena酒店剧院前开始蔓延,一个人坐在仅次于我们让出了一些刺耳的咳嗽。As the house lights dimmed in the Venice Film Festival's Darsena Theater before the beginning of Contagion, a man sitting just behind us let out a few rasping coughs.

七鳃鳗,八目鳗一种七鳃鳗科的原始细长淡水或溯河产卵鱼,特点是长有无。Any of various primitive elongated freshwater or anadromous fishes of the family Petromyzontidae, characteristically having a jawless sucking mouth with rasping teeth.