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阿勒颇大清真寺里做礼拜的穆斯林祈祷者。Salah Muslim prayer, Aleppo Great Mosque.

他说,犯罪团伙盗窃一切值钱的东西。Salah says gangs are stealing everything good in the area.

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Salah被炮弹的碎片击中前额,背部还有脚上。Salah was hit by shrapnel on his forehead, his back and his legs.

正如了解礼拜的规则一样,穆斯林也必须了解天课的规则。Muslims must learn the rules of Zakah , just as they learn the rules of Salah.

以军向二楼发射了一枚炮弹,引起火灾。"They fired a shell into the upstairs floor and it started a fire, " said Salah.

他们发给他这张证,然后从以色列来到这里,把他给杀死了。"They gave him a permit and then they came from Israel and they killed him, " said Salah.

之后又活了四百三十年,生养了其他的儿女。And Salah lived after he begat Eber four hundred and three years, and begat sons and daughters.

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亚法撒生沙拉之后,又活了四百零三年,并且生儿养女。And Arphaxad lived after he begat Salah four hundred and three years, and begat sons and daughters.

加沙地带居民认为得到联合国的承认对于巴勒斯坦方面并没有什么帮助。N. bid, did not believe U. N. recognition would help the Palestinian cause. Gaza resident Salah Abu Ajram.

美国去年在巴拉维镇发动了一次直升飞机袭击,打死青年党一名领导人纳卜汉。U. S. helicopter strike last year in the town of Barawe killed an al-Shabab commander, Salah Ali Salah Nabhan.

美国去年在巴拉维镇发动了一次直升飞机袭击,打死青年党一名领导人纳卜汉。A U.S. helicopter strike last year in the town of Barawe killed an al-Shabab commander, Salah Ali Salah Nabhan.

美国去年在巴拉维镇发动了一次直升飞机袭击,打死青年党一名领导人纳卜汉。A U. S. helicopter strike last year in the town of Barawe killed an al-Shabab commander, Salah Ali Salah Nabhan.

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“他们向我们发射了一枚炮弹,”Salah说道,他们中有两人当场死亡,剩下的也受了伤。"They fired a shell straight at us, " Salah said. Two of the four were killed instantly, the other two were injured.

Salah同70来个人一起逃出了房子,对着以色列军队大声喊道,他们里面还有妇女和儿童。Salah and a group of around 70 fled the house, shouting to the soldiers that there were women and children with them.

离清真寺最远而走路来清真寺礼拜的人获得的回赐最大。The person who receives the greatest reward for the Salah is one who lives the farthest and has the farthest to walk.

英国石油公司经营的阿尔及利亚萨拉油田项目把从当地生产的天然气中提取的二氧化碳输入地下。The Salah gasfield project in Algeria, run by BP, strips CO2 from local natural gas and injects it back into the ground.

尤尼斯萨拉赫表示,将采取比巴勒斯坦领导人的命令,以阻止更多的工作去解决他。Younis Salah says it will take more than a command from Palestinian leaders to stop him from going to work at a settlement.

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萨拉赫说,难民将返回的地区,这是现在的一部分,以色列国,其中包括加利利,海法,阿卡和雅法。Salah said refugees would return to areas, which are now part of the State of Israel, including Galilee, Haifa, Acre and Jaffa.

什叶派教士萨德尔的助手奥贝迪说,在巴格达东部的萨德尔城停火的协议将于星期天生效。An aide to cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, Sheikh Salah al-Obeidi, says the cease-fire in eastern Baghdad's Sadr City will go into effect on Sunday.

“有30年之久,我都不知道什么叫自由,”一位叫沙拉-阿曼达的钢铁工人说,他和其他几个人都亲吻了记者双颊,“现在我们有了对未来的希望”。"In 30 years, I haven't felt freedom," said Salah Amad, a steel worker, one of several men who kissed a reporter on both cheeks."Now we have hope for the future.