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我用17级法师打战歌。Doing WSG with a 17 mage.

超乎其他的造型魔导士之上。Shape than the other top mage.

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当时我是15级法师,就向他挑战了。I was a 15 Mage , they challenge him.

法师能让一个物件跳到将来。The mage shunts an object forward in time.

那法师神秘的攻击一个朝生暮死物体。The mage mystically attacks an ephemeral object.

法师训练师增加一个新等级的寒冰护体。Added a new rank of Ice Barrier to mage trainers.

一名火系法师很少使用奥术吗?Is a fire specced mage useless for arcane spells?

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智力和智能是两者的重要为一个魔术师。Intellect and Wisdom are both important for a Mage.

我的目标就是限制对方法师的伤害和控制能力。The goal is to limit the damage and CC from the Mage.

谁是你在觉醒之时找到你的第一个法师?Who was the first mage to find you upon your Awakening?

总的来说,法师护甲确实很强力,但这是一种交易。FWIW, Mage Armor is quite powerful, but it's a tradeoff.

和卜卦法术一样,法师必须宣布一个目标。As with the Augury spell, the mage must declare a target.

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伤害就是法师的代名词,而他们也做得很好。Damage is the name of the Mage game, and they do it well.

从始至终,黑巫师对过去的每一秒钟了然于心。All the while, the dark mage kept track of each passing second.

法刺有了一套新的专用铠甲了。Mage Assassins have a new set of armor unique to this class combo.

法师护甲不再降低任何有益魔法的持续时间。Mage Armor no longer reduces the duration of beneficial magic buffs.

法师风筝起你的时候的对你造成的伤害是巨大的。This is a big damage source on a frost mage that is kiting you around.

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通过从攻击中偷窃活力,法师守卫他自己对撞伤害。By stealing vigor from incoming attacks, a mage guards himself against harm.

法师是我第一个职业但是仅仅5级的时候我就放弃了而后开始练小德。I played mage first only got to around lvl 5 then gave up and started druid.

法师每具有一点时间奥秘,就获得一点护甲。The mage gains one point of armor per dot she possesses in the Time Arcanum.