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宝宝尿湿提醒尿裤。Baby wet diaper pants reminded.

帮我换一下小孩的尿布好吗?Can you change the baby's diaper?

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哦,唉呀。哦,天哪。该给你换尿布了。Oh, no. It's time to change your diaper.

假如我再多捡一个尿布我就会疯掉。If I pin one more diaper I may go insane.

垫一片尿布在婴儿的小屁股下,婴儿只会咕咕地低吟?Slip a diaper under the tush, and the baby coos?

纸尿裤3打合身、透气。Disposable Diaper 3 Dz. Fits comfortable, ventilate.

额外袋口可放钱包、手机或尿片等物件。Extra pockets for keys, wallet, cell phone or diaper.

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你家的尿布袋夹子是动漫人物。Your diaper bag is covered with anime character pins.

在婴儿尿布桶里放些小苏打可以去除味道。I put baking soda in my diaper pail to help with odors.

现在该换尿布了,给我老实点You want to change your diaper right now so stay still.

用布做的尿布可以叠成三角形或长方形。Cloth diaper may be folded in a triangle or a rectangle.

现在该换尿布了,给我老实点"You want to change your diaper right now so stay still."

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如果我们将“diaper”这个词拆分,那么我们将得到“dia”和“aspros”两个词。If we break the word diaper in two we get dia and aspros.

红没药醇能迅速缓减和预防尿布疹等情况。The bisabolol can quickly relieve and prevent diaper rash.

妈妈,谢谢您帮我换尿布和唱歌哄我入睡。Thank you, mom, for changing my diaper and singing me to sleep.

可系在尿布袋、背包、汽车、船和狗绳上。Perfect for diaper bags, backpacks, cars, boats and dog leashes.

亚马逊在和Quidsi打过价格战之后收购了它。After battling Quidsi on diaper pricing, Amazon offered to buy it.

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换掉尿布,用一块温温的湿布擦洗一下包尿布的地方。Change the diaper and wash the diaper area with a warm damp cloth.

我告诉你他是一只鹳咬着尿布扔下来的。I tell you that one stork dropped the little tyke off in a diaper.

我猜是尿布湿了。你能给孩子换块尿布吗?I guess the diaper has been wet. Will you change the baby's diaper?