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而多的部分就是来自服务收入。Much of revenue was from service.

每延吨公里平均收入?。Average Revenue Per Ton-Kilometer?

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我们可以集中在收入这一块。We can focus on that revenue piece.

分享收入似乎希望渺茫。Revenue sharing seems a forlorn hope.

每延人公里平均收入?。Average Revenue Per Passenger-Kilometer?

垄断和收入同流合污了。Monopoly and revenue streams all in one.

教会的收入来自世俗事务。Temporals provided the church's revenue.

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不准用收入的现金“坐支”。Do not use revenue cash to meet expenses.

依法治税是税收工作的灵魂。Taxation by law is the spirit of revenue.

我们还漏失了那种收入模式?What other revenue models are we missing?

他们只认营业收入,不认人。They're revenue driven, not people driven.

GOOGLE收益应该是长销平均的收益。Google revenue is about long term averages.

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就是对客户收入的分析!Is there disaggregation analysis on revenue?

利润增长额大约两仪美元。About 200 million dollars growth for revenue.

这是长期稳定的收入来源。This is a long-term stable source of revenue.

经常性收入是收入的最好形式。Recurring revenue is the best form of revenue.

增加该地区至今为止的收入。Increment the revenue to date for the district.

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毛利是销售净收入减去已销商品成本。Net sales revenue minus the cost of goods sold.

缉私船靠近走私船。The revenue cutter drew on the smugglers' ship.

苹果并没有公开单店的销量。Apple doesn't disclose individual-store revenue.