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艾拉只是想要成为企业家的一代人中的一份子。Ella is part of a new generation of wannabe entrepreneurs.

谷物、汽车和商业---这就是印地安那州或是“山地人”所给你的。Corn, cars, and commerce-that's Indiana for you, Hoosier wannabe.

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六个想要成为火星人的人正在进行一个实验项目,在地球上过着上的生活。Six wannabe Martians are taking life on for a test drive here on Earth.

这种完美的和谐是给想要成为作家的人的标准建议。This chimes perfectly with the standard advice given to wannabe writers.

其次渴求另一半的单身排队使用它,而不用忍受红娘的絮絮叨叨。Second, single wannabe lovers are queuing up to use it, rather than resenting its nagging.

上电视是在音乐排行榜上向前几名冲刺的关键。Getting plugged into the TV circuit is key to pushing your wannabe heartthrobs up the music charts.

或者你可能想成为一位政治评论家,监视科学政策及其可能的影响。Or you may be a wannabe political commentator, monitoring science policy and its potential impacts.

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他的身上被涂满沥青,挂在河上方的铁笼子里,一挂就是很多年,作为对其他海盗追随者的警告。His body was covered in tar and dangled for years in an iron cage above the river as a warning to wannabe corsairs.

她毕业时和一位想当记者的尼克·托马林恋爱了,然后他们一起搬到了伦敦。By the time she graduated, though, she was in love with a wannabe journalist, Nick Tomalin, and together they moved to London.

腌渍的电影,由比拉邦美国具有8项世界级的冲浪者,8异国他乡,一总想当冲浪轻弹和泡菜罐子。Pickled the Movie, a surf flick by Billabong USA featuring 8 world-class surfers, 8 exotic countries, 1 total wannabe and a jar of pickles.

就像是我们的公主想找到她梦想中的王子一样。好,既然你来了。,还带着足够吃上一年的热狗,或许你想进来坐坐。Looks like our queen wannabe found her perfect king. Well, since you're here. With a year's supply of hot dogs, Maybe you'd like to come in.

对于“伪神们”[8]来说,从共同进化中获得的最有用的教训就是,在共同进化的世界里,控制和保密只能帮倒忙。Perhaps the most useful lesson of coevolution for "wannabe" gods is that in coevolutionary worlds control and secrecy are counterproductive.

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不过,如果是一些想成为圣战者的巴基斯坦后裔,就像沙赫扎德那样的,并能有一个亲属或者朋友为他们作担保的话,那么其被吸纳入营的几率就会大大提高。However, wannabe jihadists of Pakistani descent, like Shahzad, can improve their odds of enrolling by having a relative or friend vouch for them.

何况那是个社区剧场,是某个被大家视为表演艺术之廉价市场和滑稽演员的最后堡垒的地方。And it was community theatre, something many people regarded as the K-mart of the performing arts and the last bastion of ridiculous, wannabe actors.

西班牙国家研究所研究员琼尼·萨拉说,想要成为音乐家的人们应该从过去的音乐中发掘灵感。Wannabe musicians looking for a hit should turn to the past for inspiration, said the researcher Joan Serra, of the Spanish National Research Institute.

我还记得工党里那些想要成为职业政客的年轻人是如何操纵学生团体来削弱他那些无能的反对者。I remember how young wannabe career politicians within the Labour party hijacked the student movement and crippled it to the point it was incapable of dissent.

就是说至少有40间牢房是空着。原因是不少有心犯案的不法之徒都因为不想再落网后戒烟而悬崖勒马了。It means at least 40 cells empty, as wannabe crooks turn their back on a life of crime – many because they don't want to give up cigarettes if they get caught.

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这里的比萨饼只有两种——普通口味和双份起司,没有所谓新时代南加州的橄榄加番茄干的梦幻比萨。They have only two varieties of pizza here—regular and extra cheese. None of this new age southern California olives-and-sun-dried-tomato wannabe pizza twaddle.

电影院有一个9英尺的宽屏,钢琴沙龙有着音乐家弹奏着吉他,电子鼓,键盘手以及电吉他。A cinema space features a nine-foot widescreen and the Piano Salon will keep wannabe minstrels busy with acoustic guitars, electronic drums, a keyboard and amps.

不像“老大哥”仅仅是培养出平民的偶像,这些模拟的宇航员必须能说流利的俄语和英语,同时也要为实验腾出近两年的时间。Unlike "Big Brother" wannabe C-list celebrities, the pretend cosmonauts will have to speak fluent Russian and English and keep track of nearly two years' rations.