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真理是相对的。Truth is relative.

这些全都有关,小伙子。It's all relative chap.

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味咸凉而微苦,相对密度1.527。The relative density is 1.527.

位于其它地区的亲戚家Relative Living in Another Area

她和其他亲戚住在一起。She lives with another relative.

雷达转换至相对运动船首向上。Change radar to relative head-up.

“紧”与“松”都是相对的。"Loose" and "Tight" are relative.

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亲不亲,一家人嘛。Relative or not, we are one family.

相对来说,轮子是迟到者The wheel was a relative latecomer.

说来说去,时间真的是相对的。In the end, time really is relative.

即便乐成也只是绝对的。Even its successes are only relative.

模糊的焦点,需要至少部分地相关联。Focus is, at least in part, relative.

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著色容易、比重轻。Easy coloring, light relative density.

当然,道德观念是相对的。Moral values are, of course, relative.

对于用户来说,易用性同样也是相对的。Ease of use is also relative to the user.

凯特•米德尔顿,竟是简•奥斯汀的远房亲戚?Kate Middleton, a Relative of Jane Austin?

那这20盒月饼就用来串亲戚吧。These 20 moon cake use string of relative.

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世间的是是非非都是相对的。Right and wrong in this world are relative.

这都是先天注定的亲缘。This is all the inborn to destine relative.

在这个小镇上我有一个远亲。I have a distant relative in this small town.