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黑莓崩溃?BlackBerry crumble?

秀一下你包里的黑莓2!What's In My Bag blackberry 2!

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我的黑莓手机响了I think that's my Blackberry beeping.

第二,其他人都没有黑莓手机。Second, no one else had a BlackBerry.

菊花茶,薄荷茶,黑莓茶。Chamomile, Mint Medley, Blackberry and.

富含黑樱桃及樱桃的果味。Fruity aromas of blackberry and cherry.

而在全球,第二大是黑莓。Globally, the BlackBerry remains No. 2.

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红皮果实、黑莓及紫羅蘭香气。Aromas of red fruits, blackberry and violet.

黑莓手机决非不流行。By no means are BlackBerry phones unpopular.

好像已经闻到了黑莓派的味道。Can almost taste that blackberry pie already.

黑莓铃声代从MP3文件。BlackBerry Ringtone Generation from a MP3 File.

黑莓手机在全球有4600万用户。BlackBerry has forty-six million users worldwide.

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红茶,黑霉叶,天然香料。Black tea, blackberry leaves, and natural flavors.

它就像一个只对BlackBerry用户开放的会员制的俱乐部。It’s like a members-only club for BlackBerry users.

现在我可以从我的黑莓手机上获取我的文档。Now I can get access to my Docs from my Blackberry.

路旁有许多野生的黑浆果灌木。There are many wild blackberry bushes along the road.

总统更是和他心爱的黑莓手机形影不离。And the President got to keep his precious BlackBerry.

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樱桃和黑莓的香气扑鼻。Fine nose offering morello cherry and blackberry hints.

周一时迪拜的黑莓手机用户不会抓瞎。Blackberry users in Dubai won't be going dark on Monday.

桑属植物,果实可食,类似于黑莓。Morus having edible fruit that resembles the blackberry.