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历史给出了一个令人忧虑的答案。History offers a disquieting answer.

但也存在某些令人忧虑的趋势。But there are some disquieting trends.

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温迪就是这样,有一天早上,她漫不经心地说出了一件叫人心神不安的事。It was in this casual way that Wendy one morning made a disquieting revelation.

这种藐视法律的情绪,最令人不安之处在于其传染性。The most disquieting thing about the scofflaw spirit is its extreme infectiousness.

抛开Google不说,大部分公司都限制在标准广告支持模式上就令人不安。Google aside, most companies are seeing disquieting limits to the standard ad-supported model.

在俄罗斯内部,还有其他的东西让人觉得与那段过去的岁月似曾相识。Inside Russia, there are other disquieting similarities to what was thought of as a bygone era.

最使人困惑不安的莫过于俄、奥、德三国军队的调动。Most perplexing and disquieting are the reports of mobilisation of Russian, Austrian and German troops.

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这些变革性事件中,有些令人备受鼓舞,而有些则令人深感不安。These transformational events have been, at times, highly inspiring, at other times, deeply disquieting.

但是其在经济上的下滑,反映了衰退中更令人不安且不为人知的一面。But his tumble down the economic ladder is among the more disquieting and often hidden aspects of the downturn.

塞里西亚说,这项研究没有对因污染导致青蛙物种发生性变的潜在影响进行评估,但它却暗示我们前景令人担忧。The study does not measure the potential impact of pollutant-driven sex change for frog species, but the implications, said Berg, are disquieting.

以自身的恶躁气息影响他人心智,如操弄眼镜蛇般使人出神,或在他人思想中创造虚假身分等。The character uses his own Disquieting aura to affect the minds of others, from entrancing them like a cobra to creating a false identity in someone.

寒风刺骨,长春藤的叶子被风吹得枯萎了、枯黄了,不停地互相拍打着,把她的神经刺激得烦躁不安。The wind was so nipping that the ivy-leaves had become wizened and gray, each tapping incessantly upon its neighbour with a disquieting stir of her nerves.

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前组合成员李熙珍的个人主页。因为,她发表的文章有些不同寻常。As the member of former group 'Baby VOX' Lee Hee-Jin's had some disquieting messages on her personal webpage recently, many of her fans were signed up to support her.

最令人不安的是,这种蔑视法律的心态影响极坏。只有愚昧之极的社会才会对此坐视不管,任由其继续泛滥开去。The most disquieting thing about the scofflaw spirit is its extreme infectiousness. Only a terminally foolish society would sit still and allow it to spread indefinitely.

后来,夜曲之间的对比变得微妙起来,韵脚背景的转换常常越是令人不安,过程中产生的噪音就越是不明显。In the later Nocturnes the contrasts themselves become subtler, the shifting of the ground under our feet often the more disquieting the less noise it makes in the process.

天顶星人一直被刻板的按照性别分开,他们中的绝大多数人认为待人友善会让他们烦躁不堪,他们甚至会因此引发生理上的疾病。The Zentraedi had always been rigidly segregated by sex, and most of them found the thought of fraternization disquieting to the point where it had been known to make them physically ill.

即使在过去一年的灾难性事件发生之前,日本的决策者已经悄悄进行一场牵涉重大利益的辩论——在令人不安的变化背景下,讨论国家的未来。Even before the cataclysmic events of the past year, policy makers in Japan were engaged in a quiet but high stakes debate about the country's future in the context of disquieting changes.

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但开放的广告支持的商业内容网络的趋势却并没有得到鼓励……But the trend lines for the open ad-supported side of the commercial content Web are not encouraging. Google aside, most companies are seeing disquieting limits to the standard ad-supported model.