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能向我们介绍一下里尔吗?What can you tell us about Lille?

里尔很危险,希望我们可以踢好比赛。Lille are dangerous, but hopefully we can play well.

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接着我们经过巴黎,法国北部的里尔,So then we went through Paris, Lille in North France,

鲁迪加西亚的边路进攻哲学对里尔十分有用。Rudi Garcia's attack-minded Lille side share his philosophy.

法国军事家、政治家和总统夏尔·戴高乐诞生于里尔。Charles de Gaulle, French soldier, statesman and President, was born at lille.

阿斯克新城坐落在法国很北的地方,靠近里尔,是一座新城。Villeneuve d'Ascq is a new town located near Lille in the very north of France.

或许是一直盯着的目标比如里尔的哈扎德会充实阵容。Perhaps someone like long-term target Eden Hazard from Lille to boost the squad.

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热尔维尼奥从里尔加盟过来,并且已经有七个助攻。Gervinho joined the Emirates from Lille and already has seven assists to his name.

曼联同样准备与利物浦和阿森纳争夺里尔后卫安迪尔-拉米。Manchester United are set to rival Liverpool and Arsenal for Lille defender Adil Rami.

我敢确定他们他们肯定会看那场比赛的录像,并且里尔会从中得到很好的范例。I'm sure they will have watched that game and it will be a good example for Lille to follow.

在圣保罗,一瓶普通的矿泉水也要2到4里尔,相当于人民币8到16元。In Sao Paulo, a bottle of mineral water have common Lille 2 to 4, the equivalent of 8-16 yuan.

马上将加盟的里尔前锋热尔维尼奥由于不能在亚洲之行前完成签约也不会来华。The imminent signing of Lille striker Gervinho has not been completed in time for him to join the party.

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卡拉泽和布罗基坦言米兰的球员可以在昨晚对阵里尔的比赛中做的更多。Kakha Kaladze and Cristian Brocchi confess the Milan players could've done more against Lille last night.

里尔主教练鲁尔-加西亚强调尽管利物浦最近负于维甘,但是他们的实力不容被低估。Lille coach Rudi Garcia insists Liverpool cannot be under-estimated despite their recent defeat by Wigan.

周一下午,萨尔科齐在里尔市大谈汽车工业。而到了周二早晨,他会突然出现在伊拉克。On Monday afternoon he is in Lille talking about the car industry, on Tuesday morning he pops up in Iraq.

米兰---凯塔,马孔和奥德维基与里尔的合同将延长一年。MILAN – Lille have extended the contracts of Kader Keita, Jean Makoun and Peter Odemwingie for one season.

现在库伊特相信当下周四里尔做客安菲尔德,他和他队友一定能够拿到满意的结果。Kuyt believes he and his teammates can now get the required result when Lille travel to Anfield next Thursday.

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尽管输球,但贝尼特斯相信在与里尔比赛中托雷斯所表现出来的状态证明他距离自己的最佳时刻已经不远了。Rafa Benitez believes there were signs against Lille that Fernando Torres could soon be back at his deadly best.

除了没有最后敲定外,其他所有转会谈判工作已经完成,但里尔找不到一个合适的球员引进来代替哈扎德,因此无法如愿完成交易。Negotiating had all but been done but Lille didn't have a suitable player to come in for Hazard so it fell short.

和里尔的冠军杯赛是加图索为米兰出场的第300场正式比赛。The ball-winner made his 300th appearance with Milan in the Champions League 0-0 draw against Lille in September.