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这头猪鬃毛直立。The hog bristled up.

他气得怒发冲冠。He bristled with anger.

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那只公鸡竖起冠子。The cock bristled up his crest.

她对他的傲慢的言论发怒。She bristled at his insolent remarks.

战场上枪炮林立。The battlefield was bristled with guns.

这项工程困难重重。The project bristled with difficulties.

那条狗发脾气,毛都竖起来了。The dog was angry and its hair bristled.

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狗见到陌生人毛都竖起来了。The dog 's hair bristled up at the stranger.

当我叫那女人往前挪动时,她发怒了。The woman bristled when I asked her to move.

猫毛竖立并弓起背来。The cat's fur bristled and it arched its back.

狗发怒,毛发倒竖,显出一副好斗的凶相。The dog was angry and bellicosely bristled up.

狗见到陌生人毛都竖起来了。The cat bristled at the sight of the large dog.

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那位老人发火时气得毛发倒竖。The old man 's hair bristled when losing his temper.

听到这怪声,马的鬃毛都竖起来了。Hearing the strange sound the horse 's hair bristled.

来访者走近大门时,那条狗的毛都竖起来了。The dog's hair bristled when the visitors came to the door.

他的须子竖了起来、外套领子也因为愤怒而竖了起来。His whiskers bristled and his coat-collar stood on end with rage.

听到那个律师在讲演中污蔑我们的祖先,大家都气得怒发冲冠。All of us bristled at the lawyer's speech insulting our forefathers.

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郡长毛骨悚然,但是他克服自己的恐惧。The Sheriff's hair bristled with dread, but he conquered his feelings.

她对那种说她在任何方面都没照管好孩子的话感到恼怒。She bristled at the suggestion that she had in any way neglected the child.

布满癌一般增生曲面的地平线已经老化。The horizon bristled with cancer-like multiplying curved faces had begun aging.