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第一个拿到天文学学位的人。First PhD in astronomy.

罗伯特·D·恩赖特博士警告道。cautions Robert D. Enright, PhD.

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她目前在攻读哲学博士学位。She's presently working on her PhD.

她目前在攻读哲学博士学位。She's presently working on her PhD.

该学院同时提供理学硕士和博士学位。It also provides MSc and PhD degrees.

也有人会说我想继续攻读博士学位。Some would even say, I want to be a PhD.

硕士研究生及博士生的研究领域。Research Areas for MPhil and PhD include.

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2006年,她获得哲学博士学位。She received her PhD in Philosophy in 2006.

张晏,北京大学法学院博士生。Zhang Yan is a PhD student at the law school.

他是一个医药学博士还是市场学博士?Is he a PhD of medicine or a PhD in marketing?

欢迎参加2011年博士生教育国际交流会!Welcome to PhD Workshop China 2011 in Beijing!

他劝说我继续攻读哲学博士学位。Instead, Green persuaded him to study for a PhD.

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他还荣获拉筹伯大学的历史博士学位。He has a PhD in history from La Trobe University.

最终他选择考物理学博士。And finally he decided to pursue a PhD in physics.

这个博士生为写学位论文而搜肠刮肚。The PhD student beat his brain over his dissertation.

博士阶段研究方向是实验凝态物理。Dr Kraabel's PhD was in experimental condensed matter.

他用六年时间获得了第三个硕士学位和一个博士学位。Over six years, he earned his third masters and a PhD.

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今天开始博士毕业论文写作。From today on, I'm gonna start my journy of PhD thesis.

读博前,她攻读了宾州应用心理学硕士课程。So she came to the MAPP program before getting her PHD.

并获得了康奈尔大学电子工程系的博士学位。And she received a PHD electro-engineering from Cornell.