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熟练的钻工了。He is a skillful driller now.

但是他很灵巧,技术也很棒。But he is also nimble and skillful.

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他真是个能工巧匠。He really was a skillful craftsman.

最有技巧地“摇青”开始了。The most skillful "shaking" begins.

平静的海炼不出熟练的水手!Smooth sea never make a skillful mariner!

王师傅是修理自行车的能手。Mr. Wang is skillful at repairing bicycle.

平静的大海决不能造就出熟练的水手。A smooth sea never made a skillful mariner.

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平静的海洋练不出熟练的水手。A smooth sea never nade a skillful mariner.

老威尔斯人精于木雕。The old Welshman was skillful in woodcarving.

我明白啦。这个厨师刀法好精湛啊!I see. The chef is so skillful with his knife.

加利亚是卓越的飞行员和灵巧的战士。Gallia was a superb pilot and skillful warrior.

大强是这里所有的工人当中最熟练的。Daqiang is the most skillful of all the workers here.

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熟练使用财务软件和办公软件。Skillful in use financial software and office system.

他远远胜过他同时代技术最熟练者。He distanced the most skillful of his con temporaries.

他是那麽地熟练以及有耐性,使得她也开始学习起来。And he was so skillful and patient that she began to learn.

他以灵巧的动作使小渔船调过头来。With a skillful movement he rounded the small fishing-boat.

中式快餐企业真功夫的内斗还在继续。Chinese fast food enterprises skillful infighting continues.

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多拉善于做玩具,手很巧,但是巴巴拉却笨手笨脚的。Dora is skillful in making toys, but Barbara is heavy handed.

我能想象皇帝聘请的这些工匠都技艺高超。I will imagine the emperor's craftsmen must be very skillful.

依我看,布什在处理这类问题上更有技巧。In my opinion, Bush is more skillful in handling such matters.