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苏正在上她的新老师斯莱德先生的课。Sue is having a lesson with her new teacher, Mr Slade.

叫我斯莱德先生,叫我上校,如果你一定要这样,别叫我长官。Call me Mr. Slade , call me Colonel if you must, just don't call me sir.

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她出生在兰开夏大学在1944年,曾就读佳能斯莱德文法学校在博尔顿。She was born in Lancashire in 1944 and was educated at Canon Slade Grammar School in Bolton.

从1946年至1968年,他教导雕塑在斯莱德学校,并当选为Ara在1959年,但后来辞职。From 1946 to 1968 he taught sculpture at the Slade School and was elected ARA in 1959, but later resigned.

我们公司位于刀刃街和史。公司办公时间是每周星期一到星期五之间的早9点到下午5点。你可以在这期间的任何时候访问公司。We are on the corner of Slade Rd. and Smith Ave. Our office hours are 9-5 Monday through Friday. Visit any time.

我们公司位于刀刃街和史密斯大道的交接处。公司办公时间是每周星期一到星期五之间的早9点到下午5点。你可以在这期间的任何时候访问公司。We are on the corner of Slade Rd. and Smith Ave. Our office hours are 9-5 Monday through Friday. Visit any time.

我还和她说第二天带她去会所玩滑梯,但等我回到家,你却不声不吭把她带走了。你能想想这种滋味吗?I told her I would take her to play in the sleepy slade in the next day. but we I got home, you took her away without notice. can you imagine what I feel now?

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这使得经理罗塞耳思雷德必须做一个头疼的抉择,在两个主力中后卫缺席的情况下相信租借来的安德鲁.瑞和亚仑.布朗。It gives manager Russell Slade a selection headache and he may have to trust in on-loan Andrew Whing and Aaron Brown in the absence of his two first-choice defenders.

亚拉巴马州的理查德·谢尔比、华盛顿州的斯莱德·戈顿、阿拉斯加州的特德·史蒂文、田纳西州的弗雷德·汤普森、弗吉尼亚州的约翰·沃纳投了作伪证罪的反对票。Senators Richard Shelby of Alabama, Slade Gorton of Washington, Ted Stevens of Alaska, Fred Thompson of Tennessee, and John Warner of Virginia voted no on the perjury count.

他们今天早晨已逮捕了连环枪击案的嫌疑人,19岁的斯雷德艾伦伍德森。Police in Virginia say drivers can rest easy now that they have arrested a suspect in a series of sniper shootings. 19-year-old Slade Allen Woodson was apprehended this morning.

他先后在牛津大学鲁斯金艺术学院、伦敦斯雷德艺术学校、德国杜塞尔多夫艺术学院、荷兰阿姆斯特丹皇家视觉艺术学院学习,现居英国康沃尔。He studied at the Ruskin in Oxford, the Slade School of Art in London, the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf, and the Rijksakademie in Amsterdam. He is currently residing and working from Cornwall, UK.

在1926年,他进入贝尔法斯特艺术学校,并在1928年到对向斯莱德学校在伦敦,他在那里研究下,亨利唐克斯和伦道夫施瓦贝,和今后一个时期的共同工作室,与约翰卢克。In 1926 he entered the Belfast School of Art, and in 1928 went on to the Slade School in London, where he studied under Henry Tonks and Randolph Schwabe, and for a time shared a studio with John Luke.