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但乔治·哥尔罕和他的未婚妻,帕特里·夏霍纳没有却步。But George Gorham and his fiance, Patricia Horner weren't deterred.

红牛车队的老板霍纳说他并不急于作出决定。RBR team boss Christian Horner said he is not in a rush to make a decision.

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红牛车队老板霍内尔说,该行不会威胁FOTA解决方案的统一。Red Bull team boss Christian Horner said the row is not a threat to FOTA's unity.

跟霍纳说话以了解他对海文星上感染的担心。Talk to Horner to learn of his fears about the infestation in the Haven settlers.

也可以和其它的家具形成一个更大的整体。It can also be linked to other existing furniture to create a larger entity. — Eleonor Horner

Horner会在本周五的TED大会上讲述他的工作。Horner will be speaking about his work at the Technology Entertainment and Design conference on Friday.

据了解,霍纳也觉得影片的音乐应该有恩雅风格。According to some accounts, Horner independently decided the film's score should be done in Enya's style.

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他的老板霍内尔说,上周五红牛“没有固定的日期”一物上的RB5首次在2009年。His boss Christian Horner on Friday said Red Bull has "no fixed date" for a KERS debut aboard the RB5 in 2009.

红牛车队负责人霍纳谈论了昨天的自由练习和他们对今天排位赛的希望。Red Bull team principle Christian Horner speaks about yesterday's practice sessions and their hopes for qualifying today.

“这的确是一项很好的黑猩猩研究,”霍纳说,“但是我不确定我们应如何将其应用到我们对人类的所知中去。”“It’s a really good chimpanzee study, ” Horner said. “But I’m not so sure how we can apply this to what we know about humans.”

恐龙专家约翰·霍纳和一些人质疑目前记录在册的至少有50种恐龙被错误地鉴定了。Dino expert John Horner and others suspect that at least 50 dinosaurs on the record books now have been incorrectly identified.

霍纳是美国洛矶山博物馆的古生物学馆馆长,也是蒙大拿州立大学古生物学教授。Horner is curator of paleontology at the Museum of the Rockies and Regents Professor of Paleontology at Montana State University.

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我所知道最为厚颜无耻的莫过于艺术家爱德华·伯恩-琼斯从美国带来的给他的朋友梅尔斯的霍纳勋爵夫人看的道歉声明。The most audacious one I know was brought back from America by the artist Edward Burne-Jones to show his friend Lady Horner of Mells.

“严重影响科赫公司利润和连续性的唯一的一件事就是服从”霍纳说道。“The only thing that would seriously impact the profitability and continuity of Koch Industries was a compliance issue, ” Horner says.

把口琴草堂的第一课推荐给你,这套由浅入深的口琴教程可以帮助你进入口琴的殿堂。It is our horner to recommend you our first harmonica lesson. The lessons were written gradually to fit beginners and advanced players.

车队老板霍纳说当时说我们拥有的韦伯和瓦特尔是比赛整个比赛中最强的组合。Team boss Christian Horner said at the time that in with Webber and Sebastian Vettel "we have the strongest driver pairing in the field".

当只有少部分的建筑存在的时候,“热心助人的”霍纳会在亥伯龙号上用雷达标注它们的坐标。When only a few structures remain, the ever-helpful Horner up on the Hyperion reveals the remaining infested buildings on your minimap radar.

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我会讨厌看到这家伙消失的。冥河龙意为“来自冥河长着角的恶魔”。据霍纳所说,它可能也是肿头龙。I would hate to see this one go. Stygimoloch means "horned devil from the Styx." It could again just be Pachycephalosaurus, according to Horner.

迈凯轮不会希望那样的,霍纳可能也不想,但想想看汉米尔顿和他那些精通秀之道的伙计们能卖出多少罐红牛吧。McLaren will not want that, Horner may not even want that, but think how many cans of Red Bull that Hamilton and his showbiz buddies would shift.

Horner相信如果研究者们能找到导致长尾消失的基因,然后稍加调整,是能孵出与恐龙更相似的小鸡的。Horner believes that if researchers can find the gene that turns off the tail — and turn it back on — they can hatch a chicken that resembles a dinosaur.