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你责备你自己吗?Do you reproach yourself?

一句责难的话也没有。Not one word of reproach.

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这种非难似乎是不公正的。This reproach is unjustified.

她的行为无可指责。Her behavior was above reproach.

我受到母亲的责备而感到难受。I smarted from my mother's reproach.

就我所知,他是无可指责的。This stand of ours is beyond reproach.

他的回答在她听来像是责备。His reply sounded to her like a reproach.

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他的行为使他丢丑。His conduct has brought reproach upon him.

这是他的最苛刻的责备了。It was the bitterest reproach he had made.

责备耶稣基督或圣灵是违法的。It is illegal to reproach Jesus Christ or the holy ghost.

从本质上来说,发红包无可厚非。Essentially speaking gifting red envelopes is beyond reproach.

你所走的路线是给上帝的圣工难看的。The course you have pursued is a reproach to the cause of God.

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但是别人对他的器重,却实在是一种责备。but as for the esteem of the others, it is a reproach in itself.

也没有什麽在这里说,或提出的责备任何一个。Nor has anything been here said or adduced to the reproach of any one.

乔金斯神经质地喀喀笑起来。父亲带着责备的神色盯住他。Jorkins giggled nervously. My father fixed him with a look of reproach.

我作为一名国际公务员的行为必须无可指摘。My behaviour as an international civil servant must be beyond reproach.

我既没有什么奢望,也没有什么担心,更没有什么要责备他的地方。I have nothing either to hope or fear, and nothing to reproach him with.

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后来崛起的其他新兴的亚洲经济体所带来的只有耻辱感。The later rise of other new Asian economic powers brought only reproach.

许多贞洁贤淑的娘儿们,都是这样蒙上了不白之冤。And many worthy and chaste dames even thus, All guiltless, meet reproach.

我哭泣,以禁食刻苦我心,这倒算为我的羞辱。When I wept, and chastened my soul with fasting, that was to my reproach.