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中国是出了名的仿造大国。China is well-known for counterfeiting.

制售假冒药品有大利可图。Counterfeiting medicines can be very lucrative.

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他们以伪造货币罪被捕。They were arrested on a charge of counterfeiting.

假冒和无商标的仿制兴旺繁荣起来。Counterfeiting and off-brand knockoffs flourished.

它必须是原创作品。无假冒和复制。It must be original work. No counterfeiting and copying.

假冒产品可涉及品牌产品和非专利产品。Both branded and generic products are subject to counterfeiting.

假冒者们制造的最新仿制品令科技巨头头痛。The impostors pose the latest counterfeiting headache for the tech giant.

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假币殃及政府、个人和公司。Currency counterfeiting victimizes governments, individuals, and corporations.

每年都有很多人在冒充注册商标行诈。Every year, a lot of people commit crimes by counterfeiting registered brands.

提出一种计算全息位相编码防伪方法。A anti counterfeiting method using CGH phase coding is presented in this paper.

据估计,欧盟因为假冒失去200,000个工作机会,单法国就失去38,000个工作机会。In the EU it is estimated that counterfeiting costs 200,000 jobs – 38,000 in France.

伪造彩票所用的手法主要是挖补法和涂改法。Dig-mend and oblidteration are the main tricks used for counterfeiting lottery tickets.

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重点地区是指制假售假相对集中的地区。The "key regions" refer to the regions where the counterfeiting and piracy are rampant.

由此,我们不应该忽视伪造货币的重要影响。This brings us to an important aspect of counterfeiting which should not be overlooked.

PSI与世界卫生组织以及国际刑警组织合作,交换关于制假的信息。PSI works with the WHO and Interpol to exchange information on counterfeiting operations.

过去,印制假币是个问题,但现在所有的造假者都被关进了监狱。Counterfeiting or forgery of banknotes was a problem, but now all the forgers are in jail.

据悉,为抵制假币加拿大决定在2011年中期发行安全性更高的塑料货币。Canada will move to plastic currency in mid-2011 for enhanced security against counterfeiting.

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跟所有在华企业一样,它还要对付猖獗的名牌产品仿冒行为。And like all companies in China, it also has to contend with rampant name-brand counterfeiting.

这可能说明在标签的编码过程中出现了错误,或者是出现了假冒产品。This could signal an error in encoding of the tag, or it could signal a possible counterfeiting.

特别要指出的是,中国政府正大力打击制假售假行为,以确保市场的正常秩序。In particular, ongoing efforts have been made to crack down hard on counterfeiting and ensure market order.