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我便秘了。给我点泻药。I'm constipated. I need some laxative.

假若便秘就应该多吃粗糙食物。If you're constipated you should eat more roughage.

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如果您是便秘,你是自我中毒的自己。If you are constipated you are self-poisoning yourself.

病患通常都年过五旬,且长期便秘。Patients are usually over 50 and chronically constipated.

也可能患上腹泻或者慢性便秘。You might have diarrhea or become chronically constipated.

另外,肉类中所含纤维较少,长期吃肉可能会引发便秘。Moreover, meat lacks fiber, so you’d probably be constipated.

①长期便秘史人群②无便秘史人群,男女皆宜。Long-term Constipated people and people who want to defaecate.

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我们关于费用的想法大部分是短视的,呆滞的和不值一谈的。most of us are way too myopic, constipated and chickenshit about fees.

我们上次去舞厅后泰勒说吵杂的音乐让他得了便秘。The last time we went out, Tyler said the loud music made him constipated.

所以工程师都希望能尽快升级为只负责指挥别人便秘的老鸨。Therefore all engineer hope to upgrade as procuress who manage the constipated.

如果你没有喝足够的水,就会便秘和使肾的负担增加。If you don't drink enough water you get constipated and put your kidneys under stress.

人体试验表明,海带膳食纤维具有良好的通便作用。Laminaria japonica DF taken orally showed a good laxative effect on constipated patients.

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我们知道按摩大拇趾底部可以让人便秘。We knew by working the plantar surface of the big toe you could make someone constipated.

如果我不去跑步,我就会烦躁,就像一头便秘的熊,找不到林子。If I don't get to run, I become irritable, like a constipated bear that can't find the woods.

飞机上的空气是干燥的,如果你没摄入足够的纤维,你就很可能会便秘。Airplanes are dehydrating and if you're not getting enough fiber on top of that you can get constipated.

母猪经常发生便秘,是因为它们在分娩后的前几天没有获得足够的饲料。Often sows are constipated because they are not given enough feed during the first few days after farrowing.

消化问题。你可能感觉恶心反胃。也可能患上腹泻或者慢性便秘。Digestive problems. You might feel queasy or nauseous. You might have diarrhea or become chronically constipated.

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目的探讨硝苯吡啶联用谷维素治疗非便秘型肠易激综合症。Objective To explore the treatment using nifedipine combined with oryzanol against non constipated irritable bowel syndrome.

以纤维的形式增加膨化剂加大了肠道的工作量,因此,如果你便秘,它可能会恶化便秘症状。Adding a bulking agent in the form of fibre gives the bowel more work to do, so if you're constipated it is likely to worsen symptoms.

结论罗汉参对便秘模型小鼠具有通便作用,对正常小鼠无通便作用。Conclusion The results indicate that Luohanshen has a positive effect on purgation in constipated mice but has no effect in normal mice.