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你是要说罪行被惩?舾虐?。You mean to say, thecrimeandthe expiation.

他公开道歉以弥补其过错。He made a public apology in expiation of his error.

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这是无可争辩的基督来为犯罪被害人的罪孽整个世界。It is incontestable that Christ came for the expiation of the sins of the whole world.

诸大德!现在到了诵出这九十二忏悔戒。Now, venerable sirs , the Ninety-two Rules entailing Expiation come up for recitation.

但是,目前我国的生态保护与建设的补偿措施并不完善。However, currently the expiation mode of eco-protection and construction in our country is unimproved.

先按手在全燔祭牲的头上,使祭牲蒙受悦纳,代自己赎罪。And he shall put his hand upon the head of the victim, and it shall be acceptable, and help to its expiation.

审美的救赎体现的正是审美现代性与启蒙现代性之间的张力。The expiation of aesthetic indicates the tensile force between aesthetic modernity and didacticism modernity.

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比较了二者的危害等级,结果表明经安全措施补偿,汽油储罐的安全水平得到很大提高。The results show that the Safe Precautions Expiation can improve the safety level obviously by comparing it to the FEI.

因为活物的生命是在血中,我把这血赐给你们,可以在坛上,为你们的生命赎罪“For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have assigned it to you for making expiation for your lives upon the altar."

星期五跑5.5英里,那多出的半英里是对本周自己放纵饮食的赎罪。Friday will bring a 5.5-mile run, the extra half-mile my grueling expiation of any gastronomical indulgences during the week.

数列是数学中的一个重要问题,数列又广泛地应用于租赁贸易、补偿贸易、技术贸易等国际贸易中。Numeral-line is an important matter in mathematics and applied in tenancy trade, expiation trade and technology trade widely.

目的分析定额结算下,各级医保定点医院费用补偿情况。Objective To analyze the effect of the expenditure expiation for different class contract hospitals under the flat rate payment mode.

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结论通过深化区域之间环境损益空间关系研究,促进区域生态补偿和可持续发展。Conclusion Interspace expanding of environmental profit and loss can promote environmental expiation and regional sustainable development.

目的通过区域之间环境损益关系的认识,构筑环境补偿研究的基础。Aim According to the recognizing of relation on environmental profit and loss in regions, to construct the basis of environmental expiation.

必须意识到你遇到的烦恼是生活中难免的,心理补偿是建立在理智基础之上的。Have to be aware of the agony that you meet is life medium unavoidably of, mental state in expiation of is establishment at rational foundation on of.

你行完赎罪祭之后,应献一头无瑕的公牛和羊群中一只无瑕的公羊。And when thou shalt have made an end of the expiation thereof, thou shalt offer a calf of the herd without blemish, and a ram of the flock without blemish.

文章通过实例分析了定额结算下医院的费用补偿机制以及定点医院的可能反应,旨在为进一步完善医疗保险结算方式提供科学依据。The author illustrated and analyzed expenditure expiation mechanism and hospital reactions in order to put forward policy suggestions and improve the payment method.

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设计利用了光电器件阵列对火光同时反映的特点,设计光电补偿部件及前置放大减法器,将火光引起的变化的光电流信号抵消掉。The preamplifier-subtracter and expiation parts was used to counteract the variational photocurrent because the photoelectricity element array respond the light signal.

结果显示,贫困农民卫生服务需要量大,卫生服务需求的未满足程度较高,从合作医疗中受益相对较少。Factors such as health service demand, utilization rate, medical fee and expenditure expiation of ncms participants are analyzed to assess the benefit of different income ncms participants.

他自卑的人格和对自我价值的否定,使他面对抗战的现实产生了赎罪意识,艺术梦衰弱和政治梦增强的倾向更加强烈。The vulgar personality and the negation of ego make He Qifang produce the expiation consciousness, and weaken the power of literary dream, meanwhile, strengthen the power of political dream.