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日下粲烂、有裴汉。Pei Han has lustrous qualities.

这里美神无法保持她光彩的双眼Where Beauty cannot keep her lustrous eyes

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美丽留不住她明眸的光泽。Where Beauty cannot keep her lustrous eyes.

系列桃红葡萄酒有着光亮的粉红色泽。Our 120 Rosé has a deep and lustrous pink color.

带有光亮叶柄的一种北美蕨类。North american fern with a blackish lustrous stipe.

人工养殖的珍珠和天然的一样具有光泽吗?Are the cultured pearls as lustrous as the natural ones?

这是可塑性,有一个白色,有光泽的外观。It is malleable and has a white and lustrous appearance.

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珍珠光泽的圆形和每个类型的各种预算。Round and lustrous pearls of every type for every budget.

最后会用平滑的石头来把涂画表面磨光,使表面有丰富的光泽。A last burnishing with a smooth stone gave it a rich lustrous surface.

煤粉光亮碳可作为煤粉的技术性能指标。Lustrous carbon is deemed as technical data for evaluation of coal-dust.

这件外套应该会出现全面,几乎有光泽,并有一个软指望它。The coat should appear full, almost lustrous and have a soft look to it.

她的母亲克里斯蒂娜股票的光泽的头发和铜面具般的脸。She shares her mother Christine's lustrous copper hair and mask-like face.

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能为肌肤深切补充水份,令肌肤莹白润泽。Can add the of water profoundly for the skin, make the skin white lustrous.

脸部整体美白产品,由内而外全面净澈肌肤。Make skin white, lustrous and white as the general whitening product for face.

被困在她的神话她的光泽美丽,威尼斯诱骗,并仍然难以捉摸。Trapped in the myth of her lustrous beauty, Venice beguiles , and remains elusive.

华丽的穿著是一种提醒,提醒自己金玉其外的同时决不能败絮其中。Wearing something lustrous on the outdoor is a reminder to be shiny on the inside.

瓷器展销会上,色泽鲜明的各种瓷器用品,十分耀眼。At the chinaware fair, various Bright and lustrous porcelain articles are dazzling.

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红茶的特性是汤色浓艳、滋味鲜爽、刺激性强。Black tea characterized by bright and lustrous color, fresh flavor and strong taste.

容易迷失在光怪陆离的人流,忘记曾经瓮牖绳驱的岁月。Easy to get lost in the lustrous and dazzling crowds, forget Wengyou rope drive time.

改善肌肤黯淡、干燥与毛孔粗大问题,使肌肤更显年轻透亮。Relieve dull and dry skin, shrink rough pores, and make skin young, clear and lustrous.