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我记得,克拉伦斯-恩狄是从东卵来的。Clarence Endive was from East Egg, as I remember.

好的。嗯,开胃菜,我们有可爱的比利时菊苣沙拉,配上蒜味烤面包片。Okay. Well, for appetizers, we have a lovely Belgian Endive Salad with garlic croutons.

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我们有绿菜沙拉、棕榈芯沙拉、还有一种精美的小虾拌菊苣沙拉。We have a mixed-green salad, hearts of palm or a very fine endive salad with baby shrimp.

一些配着吃的食物,包括冰淇淋,菊苣和螺母沙拉,听上去不错,但你会不会真的尝试呢?A couple, including ice cream, and an endive and nut salad, sound OK, but really, would you bother?

对热烫条件的优化可同时改善罐藏青刀豆和苣荬菜的质构和颜色。The blanching treatments were optimized to improve bath the texture and color of canned green bean and endive.

电视和广告的结盟可称是20世纪最具创造性、最富历史意义的文化现象之一。One of the most endive and significant cultural phenomena in the 20th century is the alliance between TV and advertising.

为菊科植物苦苣菜的全草。我国大部分地区有分布,多见于路边及田野间。Compositae endive for the whole plant vegetables. Most parts of our country have distribution, and is found mostly in roadside fields.

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天然苦味饮料是当今软饮料中的一种新型产品,苦菜是加工苦味饮料的好原料。Natural bitter drink is a new type of product of the Soft drinks in the world. Endive is a good material for processing bitter drinks.

这看似是对现在这个令人不安的趋势的是一个十分合理的解释,表明健康的食物正在越变越贵,因此可以推测当经济萧条的时候,食物就只是为社会精英们准备了。It seems a tidy explanation for a disturbing trend, implying that healthy food is inherently more expensive, and thus can only be for wealthy Endive Elitists when the economy falters.

电视和广告的结盟可称是20世纪最具创造性、最富历史意义的文化现象之一。One of the most endive and significant cultural phenomena in the 20th century is the alliance between TV and advertising. TV advertising has the duality of being practical and aesthetic.