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她开车出去了。She has driven out.

帕特好多年都没开车了。Pat hadn’t driven in years.

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这些勺子被驱动了。And these scoops are driven.

于得明很快又遭到驱赶。Soon to have been driven out.

所有这些都是由混合熵引起的。All driven by entropy of mixing.

因为这完全是市场导向的。Because it is all market driven.

这部机器是用水蒸气推进的。This machine is driven by steam.

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“我已经下定决心了,”林肯回答说,“必须这么做,我要推动这份宣言的落实,要摆脱困境别无他途。It must be done. I am driven to it.

为死神驱使,施展魔鬼的舞技!Driven by Death in a devilish dance!

他为贫困所迫而偷窃。He was driven by necessity to steal.

这种担忧正是这轮繁荣的幕后推手I think the boom was driven by fear.

从动齿轮的速度应该提高。The driven part should be geared up.

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我们知道它是由熵驱动的。And we know it's entropically driven.

在这个梦想的驱动下,她努力训练。Driven by the dream,she practiced hard.

所以你趋于采用动物性的夸张。So you're driven to animalistic puffery.

他们被迫到棚屋里隐蔽。They were driven to the hut for shelter.

妒忌使她杀死了她的朋友。Driven by jealousy she killed her friend.

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某从动齿轮在中修时发现开裂。Driven gear cracking was found in repair.

我几乎被这种状况搞得疯了。I am nearly driven mad by this condition.

对汇率闭口不谈一部分是出于恐惧。That restraint was driven partly by fear.