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请接受我的祝福。Please accept my benediction.

祝福之后就是战争。After benediction comes battle.

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他带着他父母亲的祝福出国了。He went abroad with his parents' benediction.

当你离开的时候,我向你祝福。I conferred my benediction to you when you left.

作为第四名的学生,我得做赐福祈祷。As fourth-ranked student, I got to give the benediction.

他触摸他们所有人,每一个人都得到适当的祝福。He touched them all, and each received an appropriate benediction.

祝福和结界类技能现在有基础技能学习要求了。Benediction and Warding based powers now have focus skill pre-reqs.

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就像大地和天空相遇了,那狂喜是一种至福。It was like the earth and the heavens meeting, and the ecstasy was a benediction.

这时正是一天中静谧时刻,晚祷的钟声如同祝福一般落在垂暮的天空。It was that halcyon hour when the Angelus falls like a benediction upon the waning day.

新郎与新娘站立或跪下,牧师祝福,说﹕。Then the married pair standing, or kneeling, the minister shall pronounce the benediction.

在他艰难的旅程开始前,那个年轻人去探望他的父母以接受他们的祝福。Before beginning his difficult journey, the young man visited his parents to receive their benediction.

我安置好佩吉睡觉,将她的礼物放在圣诞树的周围。I put Peggy to bed and set up her gifts around the tree and a sweet peace flooded me like a benediction.

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她住了口,等待着妈妈带祝福的吻,但是莫尔斯太太却冷冷地保持沉默。She paused, waiting with expectancy the benediction of her mother's kiss, but Mrs. Morse was coldly silent.

唐家璇转达了胡锦涛和温家宝对西哈努克83岁寿辰的祝福和亲切问候。Tang conveyed benediction and cordial greetings from Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao for Sihanouk's 83rd birthday.

这样的诗歌具有安神的力量能将焦虑的心灵抚慰,正如祈祷之后的祝福,让人变得从容宁静。Such songs have power to quiet the restless pulse of care, and come like the benediction that follows after prayer.

当你看到了这一切,当你遭遇被称为爱的至福,你就会知道这些话的真实性。When you see all this and when you come upon that benediction called love, then you will know the truth of what is being said.

借着父亲毕恭毕敬地高声谢主慈恩,虔诚的眼睛一会儿盯着小丸子,一会儿仰视上天。Then the father with deep reverence, and a devout eye alternating between the pill and heaven, lifted his voice in a benediction.

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他的结束祷告和祝福,可说是新约书信中,其中一篇最伟大的祷文,我们在当中可见到三个宝贵的真理。Here is his final prayer and benediction . It is one of the greatest prayers in any of the epistles. Notice three wonderful statements.

孩童们天真的眼神,以及看似开心但挟着淡淡忧愁的歌声,不禁让我们深思,这是神的祝福还是遗弃?Their innocent eyes, and the cheerful yet sorrowful songs, make the audience think of god's benediction and god's abandonment at the same time.

作饼使别人的生命得福,那么我们所付的代价价也不算太大了。Christ's blessing ofttimes means sorrow, but even sorrow is not too great a price to pay for the privilege of touching other lives with benediction.